View Full Version : Dick's demands

03-23-2006, 06:52 PM
Since Dick Cheney is a great hero to a lot of you guys (and me!) here is a document the smoking gun .com found---basically, this is how Dick rolls, and what he expects regarding his hotel rooms. I'm a little surprised he doesn't demand a gun rack in his room :)


My demands for my hotel rooms are similar to those of Clinton's---I just want some cigars and a slutty intern in the room.

I like how Cheney asked for a "private bathroom" yea---those are hard to come by. What a jackass.

03-23-2006, 07:09 PM
Pompous jackass, actually. :rolleyes:

All the light on, this from a jerk so concerned with conserving energy? What, is too stupid to walk in the dark and hit a swtich like everyone else?
And drink water - *gasp* out of a tap?!

I DO like that he has a microwave in there, though.....:eek:

03-23-2006, 07:18 PM
the fact that he has the New York times listed as the first newspaper he wants, might be the most shocking thing.

Maybe he likes to start his day by reading what those slanted looney liberal media types write about him...and stuff.

It would have been a lot cooler if he was demanding Hustler magazine sent to him. He drinks decaf---there is some inside info!

03-23-2006, 07:30 PM
The lights on are for security. Everything else in nothing special when it comes to hotels. Sounded kind of cheep to me.


03-24-2006, 10:28 PM
Much less demands than some of the looney film stars, tv and singing stars the left adores. There ya go.

03-25-2006, 11:36 AM
Except Chenney's demands are paid for with my tax money. Let rock stars get what they can - they are selling a commodity and the ticket holders pay for it. I have no choice - Chenney's product is forced down my throat.

Dick Schmidt
03-25-2006, 05:12 PM
The lights on thing is from the Secret Service. Remember, Chenney NEVER enters any room first. If my job was to stand between someone and a bullet, I'd like the lights on too. So tell me Tom, just which of the other requests do you find so unreasonable that you would deny them to the Vice President of the United States while he is traveling on business?


Who gets all this and breakfast too when he stays at a Courtyard Suite for 129 bucks a night.

03-25-2006, 05:17 PM
That container for ice tears it for me! ;)

I seriously doubt many of his travels are needed at all - just like Bush's trips to promote the war....totally useless use of taxpayer money. He only goes to pre-selected crowds of supporters anyhow.

He has more important things to be doing in the WH, where he wanted to be in the first place. Both are wasting tons of money on monkey business. I saw first hand a Bush visit in my backyards - and it is amazing how many local law enforcement officers/cars/ are employeed, and state construction vehicles - literally hundreds of them. Hey, it was a sight to see, but once reality sets in, who is paying the bills for all this? Not Bush or Chenney, and their visits are obviously politically motivated and totally unneccessary.

Maybe if we forced the VP to walk into rooms first more often, he would re-think a few trips! Your signature says it all....$129 for you, how many tens of thousands for Chenney?

03-25-2006, 05:24 PM
Since Dick Cheney is a great hero to a lot of you guys (and me!)
there are a lot of people to promote as heroes :Jonas Salk, Louis Pasteur, Michael De Bakey, Drs. Banting and Best, but this CLOWN???

03-25-2006, 11:21 PM
Tom, Cheney's demands are cheap when you consider all the trips Hillary took on our tax dollars when Bill was using the Presidency to grope women.

03-25-2006, 11:57 PM
Old news, Lefty. Is Clinton the ONLY standard you can understand? How about a higher standard for a change?

The old fart has nothing to be on the road that much about - ever hear of a telephone?

03-26-2006, 12:03 AM
Facts are facts. Seems like chump change what Cheney asking for. But I know it seems to be the "in" thing to criticize anything and everything about Bush/Cheney. I admire both of them. They don't have they're friggin finger in the wind ea day to see which way the poll winds are blowing. They don't flipflop. They just keep on doing the right thing and driving the socialists nuts.

03-26-2006, 12:07 AM
we just get more of this
Q: Do you believe this, that the war in Iraq and the rise of terrorism are signs of the apocalypse? And if not, why not?
DUBYA: Hmmm, uhh, hah -- ummm -- I, the answer is -- I haven't really thought of it that way, heh, heh. Heh. Here's how I think of it. Ummm -- heh heh. First I've heard of that, by the way, I, ah -- uhh -- the, uhh -- I, I guess I'm more of a practical fella. Uhh. I vowed after September the 11th that I would do everything I could to protect the American people. And, uhh -- my attitude, of course, was affected by the attacks. I knew we were at a war. I knew that the enemy, obviously, had to be sophisticated, and lethal, to fly hijacked airplanes, uhh, into -- facilities that would, we would, killing thousands of people, innocent people, doin' nothing, just sittin' there goin' to work.
-- The White House transcript is considerably more generous in its accounting of this exchange, which is peppered with false starts, snickers, and umms. I reckon this wasn't the sort of question he was expecting, since he never actually answered it, even after the 73 seconds that expired here. Cleveland, Ohio, Mar. 20, 2006

03-26-2006, 12:53 AM
46, you are a nitpicker of the first order. Glad you're in Canada. Invite the rest of the Bush haters to join you.

03-26-2006, 12:56 AM
BTW, it was a stupid question.

03-26-2006, 03:24 AM
I agree, what a stupid dumb-ass question, asked only to embarass the President so that they can paste his comments all over internet.

Bush should have just said "What kind of question is that?" and left it alone....

03-26-2006, 06:56 AM
Do you remember the cliche "No question is a dumb question"?
Seems to me the answer fills the bill for the dumb in this case.

03-26-2006, 11:47 AM
46, you are a nitpicker of the first order. Glad you're in Canada. Invite the rest of the Bush haters to join you.
NITPICKER? this idiot has hundreds of reponses just like this one
[To injured troops:] As you can probably see I was injured myself, not here at the hospital but in combat with a cedar. I eventually won. OR

And that's really the role of government, when you think about it. I like to tell people the role of government is not to try to create wealth. That's not the role of government. Oh, sure, the role of government is to help the poor and help the elderly with medicine -- but it's not to try to create overall wealth. The role of government is to create an environment in which people are willing to risk capital, to take risk. ...The role of government in my judgment is to take care of the poor, through Medicaid and community health centers. The role of the government in my judgment is to take of the elderly through a Medicare program which is, which is modern, and by the way, provides choices for our seniors. But also I think the role of government is to encourage a direct relationship between the consumer/the patient, and the provider/the doctor, without a lot of, lotta, lot, without a lotta go-betweens. ...You're very smart to -- part of the role of government is to create an environment in which people are willing to risk capital.
-- Dubya has some thoughts on the role of government, Sterling, Virginia, Jan. 19, 2006

03-26-2006, 12:04 PM
46, I've agreed long ago he's not a slicktalker. Most slick talkers are phonies. Only response that counts with me is his actions. The economy is soaring despite 9-11 and the war. We are much safer than we were before 9-11 because we know we are no longer untouchable and must keep our guard up.
Actions spk louder than words. I like his actions, but then again, I blve in America and I blve in capitalism. Socialists, the secularists don't like him; i get it.

03-26-2006, 12:31 PM
Yeah, Chenney's demands are a drop in the bucket. the point is,

FACT - Clinton, for all his warts, left Bush with a huge surplus of money.
FACT - it is all gone now and we are deeply in debt
FACT - Bush has done nothing to lessen the load on the taxpayers - he has not reject one pork-filled bill no matter how ridiculous
FACT - Bush has not shown one iota of leadership in trying to encourage any sort of fiscal responsibility by anyone.

He spends like a drunken sailor on shore leave and has no plan on how to repay the loans. We have a tremendous unfavorable trade imbalance with China that gets worse every year, porous borders that his only plan to fix is "comprehensive" which is code for do nothing.
And he and the old fart spend all their time galavanting around the country, on my dime, sucking up to pre-selected partisan crowds to make good sound bytes for the evening news, to support his failed programs.
Lefty, in a post 9-11 world, don't you think the president owes it to the taxpayers to at least stand before ALL the people, not just hand selected cronies when he spends more of our tax money?
I agree with the Iraq war, the removal of SH, and I did agree with the idea of democracy, but am having second thoughts - but that is not the real issue. But in every other arena, this guy is failing.
You yourself insulted tens of thousands of people in post the other night where you alluded to those that have gone bankrupt as being irresponsible and basically sucs to be them...well how can you justicy unchallenged spending and fiscal irresponsiblity by Bush at the same time? You think the USA cannot fall just like the USSR did becasue of finacial weakness?
You know, I onkce posted I would follow Bush and Chenney to the gates of hell in the war on terror,and I still would, but I will damed if I will follow them down the toilet, which is where they area heading with thier total ignorance about our border security and thier free trade stances a the direct expense of the middle class.

03-26-2006, 12:35 PM
46 - the apocolypse?

What are you smoking up there?
You would be all over Pat Robertson if he suggested SH was a sign of the apocolypse. you are as transparent as tracing paper.
Bush would have been justified to flip off that question with "finger"gedon.

03-26-2006, 01:00 PM
reporting on a question and his answer that's all