View Full Version : U.S. nudges China toward openness

03-16-2006, 01:03 PM
I read a headline that said something to the effect that U.S. is Nudging China toward Openness.

It's probably a good thing for the people of China, but for the gov of China it's going to cause major problems.

Look what happened to Russia as they became more open. Almost all of the satellite countries under their control have slipped away. Those satellite countries were buffer states to protect the mother country from foreign invasion -- you know, like the ones they suffered in WWI and WWII.

China is going to feel the same effects from this change to openness.

What's ironic is that as the U.S. nudge countries like Iraq, China, etc. toward openness, we have had to restrict our freedoms to protect our country. You need a passport to get from U.S. to Canada and Mexico. You have to be frisked and screened at the airports. Patriot Act, etc.

So it will be interesting to see how open each country will be willing to be.