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03-12-2006, 07:06 PM
I'm not a know it all. I just trade financial markets as a swing trader daily..WARNING : on your stock investments RIGHT NOW ... CAREFUL out there ALL FIELDS are MINED!!! like never before.. globalism//TERRIFIC DEBT(usa) and elitist governments world wide forcing people to leverage with derivative contracts to withstand undisciplined FIAT currency flutuations (usd) are like HERDS of termites eating away at the financial system .. FWIW careful..

03-13-2006, 11:37 AM
The "Bernanke bell" rang loud and clear.

Last Wednesday, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said the following at the Independent Community Bankers of America Conference:

"The rapid growth in commercial real estate exposures relative to capital and assets raises the possibility that risk-management practices in community banks may not have kept pace with growing concentrations and may be due for upgrades."

*** This means that they are going to start putting pressure on "bad debt loan reserves" at banks. It also means that as this develops, loans are going to be harder to get and will cost borrowers more. This will create a contraction problem in the economy and increase the chances that a recession will be the induced result. Over time, this will also create a problem for bank earnings as they are forced to allocate more funds for higher risk loans. {NOTE: I used to be on the Board of Directors at The Regulatory Assistance Center, Inc. ... so, I know what the Bernanke statement means. What he is telling banks is this: "Start cleaning up your loans, get tougher, and start to allocate much higher bad debt reserves, or we will do it for you during your next bank examination."}

*** This warning and action from Bernanke supports why the Fed is flooding liquidity into the system. The Federal Reserve has pumped money at an 8%+ growth rate during the last two months, and accelerated this to a growth rate that is over 20% during the last two weeks. This affects the market in a short term positive manner, but this is occurring with increasing negative market divergence and institutional selling.

03-13-2006, 11:40 AM
LAST one FWIW..... be careful.. with paper assets


03-13-2006, 01:28 PM
ezpace, how much do you think Independent Community Bankers of America have in commercial real estate exposures? Their exposure may be growing, but is it serious?

Also, I don't understand how flooding liquidity into the system supports your position of a warning to increase bad debt loan reserves. What am I missing.

My background is in this area also. I agree with you about the negitive effect of forcing leverage with derivative contracts to withstand undisciplined FIAT currency flutuations (usd). It's a little techy, but there are some counter actions that I would rather not get into here.

03-14-2006, 08:25 AM
everything is Rosie that's why GreenSPIT kept warning last year and called in the biggest bankers in the country last SEPT 15 th... special meeting

2 trillion of mortgages that don't have a locked in interest rate get renegotiated

at higher rate and payments this year.... good luck...... that's a small part of world derivative problem..


no other agenda.. I'm making plenty playing this thing out since $260 gold and cheap gold stocks since 1999 ... SHORTING EVERY RALLY on indices and major stocks... THANKS GOOGLE you inflated high P/E PIGLET> hehehehhe..

GOV/FEDeral REServe are worried and that's why smart money((google smart money indicator))) is selling off every schhhhhhhhTOCK rally... here's the clincher what your wonderful gov and federal reserve are worried about.

""Alert reader Joe S. sent notice of a NY Times article that read: "A
created to provide emergency backup for the Treasury market will be
to operate in the next 18 months, a bond industry group is set to
today." The so-called NewBank exists largely on paper, but like a
superhero on standby, it can spring into action to stabilize the
government securities market if a legal or financial disaster strikes.

"It will be set up as a limited-purpose trust company under the New
state banking laws and will also be regulated by the Federal Reserve."
Anyone familiar with my extensive clinical record is not surprised that
had a "spell" when I read that, and I was soon holed up, cowering like
frightened (and raving) paranoid lunatic. I mean, this just gets
and weirder!"""

That was a SNIP by sharpies @ the Daily Reckoning.. paper assets ..what a laugh........

03-14-2006, 01:23 PM
IF they keep printing those USD's and making them permanent banking reserves it will work TILL IT DOESN"T

chart... http://www.bullandbearwise.com/SOMA.asp