View Full Version : Gretzky controversy

02-13-2006, 04:42 AM
Has anyone been following the story about Gretzky's wife being a big bettor.

The whole thing sounds politically motivated to me. It's typical -- release the details of a sports gambling bust right at the same time of a big sporting event.

The details of this story could have been released after the Olympics. But no. Gotta get maximum impact.

It is no wonder people hold prosecuting attorneys and politicians in such low regard.

02-13-2006, 11:37 AM
I guess better to hold until the Stanley Cup playoff?LOL!
Everything is political if that is what you call it. If the stry was held until aftewr the Olympics I would call that political!

02-13-2006, 11:47 AM
Has anyone been following the story about Gretzky's wife being a big bettor.

The whole thing sounds politically motivated to me. It's typical -- release the details of a sports gambling bust right at the same time of a big sporting event.

The details of this story could have been released after the Olympics. But no. Gotta get maximum impact.

It is no wonder people hold prosecuting attorneys and politicians in such low regard.

On the surface it was a dumb ass thing to get involved in. The could have wagered legally with no problem. No freaking brains at all!
