View Full Version : Who designed Gulfstream?

01-18-2006, 08:40 PM
You guys are too kind. Stronach is nut who built a nuthouse for himself. When Magna first bust on the scene with GP purchase, he gave an interview where he said that “people will always go to the racetrack, it’s the atmosphere, it’s the cheering crowds, and otherwise what is the purpose of owning horses.”

So what does the nut think now? He gave an interview on HRTV where he said that people want to stay inside and play simple slot machines such as Horse Wizard that Beyer so disparagingly described. This is the vision today, who knows what this nut will think of tomorrow. Other then being a parasite with other people’s money, he hasn’t been right about anything lately. He keeps drawing huge compensation packagaes all in cash from the businesses that he is affiliated, and lavishly spends money on himself whether it’s a Ski chalet, or a golf course in Austria.

Stomach designed Gulfstream because he needed a place to watch a few races a year in Florida where he would feel at home---a nut house.

01-18-2006, 08:51 PM
What will happen when Frank leaves the flesh, as we all do? Where are the leaders? :eek:

01-18-2006, 08:51 PM