View Full Version : Joke from youbet message board

11-12-2005, 11:43 AM
Two immigrants arrive in the United States and are discussing the difference between the Old Country and the U.S. One of them says that he's heard that people in the U.S. eat dogs, and if they're going to fit in, they better eat dogs as well. So they head to the nearest hot dog stand and order two 'dogs.' The first guy unwraps his, looks at it, and nervously looks at his friend.
"What part did you get?"

Steve 'StatMan'
11-12-2005, 09:41 PM
A classic! Thanks ljb!

Steve 'StatMan'
11-12-2005, 09:50 PM
I wrote a joke yesterday, first chance to share it:

What do you call it when a rider loses a race by standing up before the finish wire to celebrate?

Premature Jock Elation!

11-12-2005, 10:12 PM
I wrote a joke yesterday, first chance to share it:

What do you call it when a rider loses a race by standing up before the finish wire to celebrate?

Premature Jock Elation!

You know, that is bad? :D But I like it...........

Steve 'StatMan'
11-12-2005, 10:30 PM
Bad to have, yes. Guess both are quite disappointing.

Dave Schwartz
11-12-2005, 11:16 PM

Actually, that was pretty good.


11-13-2005, 11:27 AM

11-15-2005, 12:55 AM
I love it, Stat. Hope that doesn't mean it's indeed bad.

I just thought of one.

Why was Vern arrested while searching for his car keys? The police found him looking in Ernest.

Steve 'StatMan'
11-15-2005, 01:35 PM
That's Hilarious! :lol:

Could go either way, either kinky, or morgue.

Thought of a variation. Vern searched in Ernest. Then Ernest searched in Vern. But Ernest couldn't find the keys so he lit a match. That's when they had to call the parimedics.

11-15-2005, 02:24 PM
How about this? Vern's pal insists on Ernest money, up front, before he can go 'round back. Vern plugs away, soon finds himself "up in there," as racecaller Dick Riley would say. Vern stumbles upon .... (fill in name of famous missing person here), who says, "Hey man; help me find my car keys and I'll give you a lift out of here."