View Full Version : DO MARES GET PMS?

11-09-2005, 05:29 AM
I was in the bar tonight with an old buddy who has been thro the hoops with ex-wives. I was telling him how I was enjoying betting the races with the group on Paceadvantage.com. He said “I know how you can make a lot of money.Bet against the mares, but first figure out their P.M.S.” I thougth to myself”how many men know much about P.M.S., or even about horse- racing for that matter. Probably the only people who can figure this one out are women who bet the races”. What about it. Do you think we can confine Cramer’s theorys to the mares. All female mammals have cycles according to the behavorists, and I suppose this applys to horses too. And according to my friend,they are most likely to be the ones who buck the jockeys, and do a lot of other crazy things too..

11-09-2005, 05:40 AM
I don't know about PMS, but some great racemares have thrown in bad races when they were in season. Sometimes you can tell by watching for nervousness and lots of tail movement, but it hasn't helped me any. This is a subject for Joe Takach I guess, he seems to know everything.

11-09-2005, 09:13 AM
Having owned mares, they certainly are at times more sensitive about things.

So I'd say for all intents, yes.