View Full Version : Pakistan Earthquake

10-09-2005, 11:20 AM
The only good thing that could come out of this (yet ANOTHER) horrible tragedy is to find out Osama bin Laden was in a cave that collapsed and buried his worthless ass alive!

10-09-2005, 01:33 PM
US already preparing aid packages.
How about BinSmellin and his band of merry men? Lining up to help thier own?
Hope that POS is half buried and dying an excrustiatingly painful yet slow death.
And I hope his "worthless ass" is buried next him, and begining to knaw on his feet out of hunger!

How could ole allah let this happen to his chosen people???? *spit*

Tough cookies - we all got problems.
I say no aid - we got our to worry about. Let the oil rich sobs over their pay their own way. I have not one penny to spare for these people who are hiding OSB.

10-10-2005, 07:10 PM
They're in tough shape. 5 million people homeless. Stuck outside in near freezing temperatures.

I saw a video clip of a helicopter Flyover.
There were people in desperate need, unable to cope with the effects of the disaster. Screaming for help.

Another case of the failed liberal policies of the last 50 years...:rolleyes:

10-11-2005, 08:20 PM
Pakistan had money to develope nuclear weapons, but cannot take care of its own people. Sham of a governement.

Why is it US who is always picking up the tab?
Where is Al Qeda, Hummas, and all the other POS Islamic oprganiztions/ Where is Europe, France?
Everyone is quick to condemn us for trying to be the world's policemen, but not when we are the world's benefactor.

These people are harboring Bin Laden and I want not one damn dollar to go to them. Turn over the trash and then we can talk. Until then, screw'em.