View Full Version : No more kid gloves for S.A.

06-01-2005, 07:32 PM
Today's NY Post reports that more than FORTY PERCENT of the suicide bombers dispatched by Abu Musab al Zarqawi to attack US and Iraqi forces "hailed from" Saudi Arabia. Only 9 percent were Iraqis.

11% were from Syrai and 10% from KUWAIT!

I'd like to know how they come up with these numbers, but if they are accurate, we need to seriously rethink our relationship with S.A.

06-01-2005, 07:46 PM
Duh ?

06-01-2005, 09:04 PM
I have been warming up the bombers since 9-12-01. After the first 19, I saw a pattern I could not ignore.:mad:

06-01-2005, 10:08 PM
Gee wiz, Tom. I am surprised at your message. Don't you know that you are exhibiting prejudice and profiling a group of people unfairly?

For your pennance, I want you to say you're sorry and not let that happen again!

:) :D :)


06-02-2005, 04:01 AM
Duh ?

Whatever....again, even when we might come together on an issue, you take the low road. You're a total drag, do you know that?

But, since you are such an expert on this stuff (afterall, you used the word "Duh", only experts dare utilize such complicated prose), could you please tell me how they determine country of origin for the dudes who go and blow things up (along with themselves at times).

06-02-2005, 12:14 PM
OBL homeboys; ID by newely issued (by Syria) passports. Let's send the AZ Minutemen there!

06-02-2005, 05:44 PM
Osama Bin Laden from Saudi Arabia, majority of 9/11 terroists from Saudi Arabia. Saudi princes have created a dictatorship where masses are impoverished and uneducated, this creates a fertile breeding ground for al queda and like groups. The Downing street memo proves Bush and company had plans to attack Iraq way before 9/11. Saddam was a threat to their pals in Saudi Arabia. We are attacked by disgruntled terroists from Saudi Arabia and Bush and company listen to a lying felon (Chalibi) and attack Iraq. And that is why I say.... DUH. When you, all of a sudden, say we should rethink our relationship with SA.

06-02-2005, 07:14 PM

I'd like to know how they come up with these numbers, but if they are accurate, we need to seriously rethink our relationship with S.A.

New World... thats for sure. 9/11 will define us for decades.

I agree it's wise to look as everybody as suspect. It's big bad world that is mixing it up. I think the right world event such as

1. Riots in multiple Muslim countrys simaltanously

2. An Assisination with Arch Duke of Ferdinand implications.

3. Another attack on the US.

4. Anything , anywhere WMD? N. Korea? Iran? Pakistan? Even India is suspect! Russia... all of them.

The world isn't far from Flash Point. imho. We may need to put our internal difference's aside and get together on this. It doesn't matter how we got here. We're here.

06-02-2005, 08:34 PM
Saudi princes have created a dictatorship where masses are impoverished and uneducated

This is just a pile of Bull Shit.


06-02-2005, 11:03 PM
Saudi princes have created a dictatorship where masses are impoverished and uneducated

This is just a pile of Bull Shit.

" Poverty is one of the immediate manifestations of unemployment. In Saudi Arabia, poverty is reflected in high population growth, in poor housing and inadequate social services. To dramatize the problem of poverty in Saudi Arabia, Crown Prince Abdallah toured homes of poor people in Riyadh for an hour and a half. He called on the wealthy people of Saudi Arabia to do more for the poor, which, as will be discussed later, is the Saudi way of addressing urgent social issues. A striking manifestation of poverty is the large and growing number of street beggars. According to published data, the number of arrested Saudi street beggars, both male and female has been on the increase. Most alarming is the number of beggars who are children. A Saudi journalist complains about “convoys of human beings who arrive every day… who could be a source of danger to the citizen and the security of the land.” The author, Salwa abu Mideen, complains that beggars search the garbage cans, which cause “the spread of bad odors, flies and mosquitoes.”(24) "
Here is the link to complete report.

06-02-2005, 11:14 PM
What did you think, that I didn't believe there was people in S. A. that are destitude?

You missed the point.

Prove that it is the fault of the royals that poverity exists in their country?


06-03-2005, 12:05 AM
"In recent years, Saudi Arabia has experienced a significant contraction of oil revenues combined with a high rate of population growth. Per capita income has fallen from $25,000 in 1980 to $8,000 in 2003, up from about $7000 in 1999. The decline in inflation-adjusted per-capita income from 1980 to 1999 set a record, being by far the worst such decline suffered by any nation-state in history."

06-03-2005, 08:39 AM
What did you think, that I didn't believe there was people in S. A. that are destitude?

You missed the point.

Prove that it is the fault of the royals that poverity exists in their country?

It appears you did not go to the link and read the complete report. But in brief, the royals are in total control. This alone gives them the responsibility for the welfare of their country.

06-03-2005, 10:42 PM
Story in the news today, SA one of the biggest violators of freedom/democracy by supporting slavery of women and children along with Kuwait (why the HELL did we ever waste our time liberting these sleezebag???) and - *gasp* the home of the Dubai races!

Will Bush ignore this and continue to "hold thier hands?" After all, HE said he was going to spread democracay, so let's see if he is talk or walk. I have my opinion.

Will WE ignore this and continue to support racing in the slave zone?

As Paul Harvey likes to say, it's not one world.