View Full Version : Pythagorean Theorem

03-12-2005, 10:52 AM
http://www.cut-the-knot.org/pythagoras/index.shtml (see diargam)

Pythagoras' Theorem claims that the sum of (the areas of) two small squares equals (the area of) the large one.
In algebraic terms, a2 + b2 = c2 where c is the hypotenuse while a and b are the sides of the triangle.
The theorem is of fundamental importance in the Euclidean Geometry where it serves as a basis for the definition of distance between two points. It's so basic and well known that, I believe, anyone who took geometry classes in high school couldn't fail to remember it long after other math notions got solidly forgotten.
The problem I have with this is as follows;
Let the area of a=36
Let the area of b=16
By theorem, area of c=52
However, by using the formula for calculating the area of a square, each side of “c” is the square root of 52.

If a Babylonian landlord, back in 1900 bc leased 52 square feet of land, measured 7.211 feet x 7.211 feet , at lets say a dollar of today’s money (with no adjustment for inflation), he would have over charged you and your family by the following;
$1.00 *(1900+2005)*(52-(*7.211*7.211))=$5.77

In the next 3905 years, that $5.77, at a compound daily interest race of 4% per year, would yield;
Compounded Rate of Return: 68089674798642715915102056453490868334958921453017 95435499256058740736.00%

life sucks :jump:

03-12-2005, 05:00 PM
Do you know what the square root of 69 is?
8 something. :eek:

(I tried not to go there, I really tried. But you left that door so open....)

03-12-2005, 05:15 PM

03-12-2005, 07:56 PM

By your own reckoning, the Babylonian landlord and his heirs overcharged by a total $5.77 over a span of 3905 years.

At that rate, they could have patiently accumulated and invested one penny of that overcharge about every 6.77 years.

If so, these Babylonians were definitely conservatives and not wastrel neo-cons courting bankruptcy.

03-13-2005, 01:26 AM
Trick question-
In about 2500 BC, by Royal Edict, weights and measures were standardized in Babylon. This was a practical business decision, which without doubt eliminated much tension in the marketplace.

The smallest unit of length was the finger, about 2/3 of an inch. The cubit was 30 fingers. The cord (surveyor's rope) was 120 cubits, that is, 3600 fingers. The league was 180 cords, about seven miles.
Just like in racing- bad info in, bad result!