View Full Version : Its a freakin' toy!

02-01-2005, 04:22 PM
Okay, right wing, left wing, dead center. I might not agree with your views on the world, but I'll always be proud to live in a country where we are allowed to express them. The one thing I can't stand anymore is our media. The one sidedness and lack of research is becoming appauling. It's simply become a contest of who can shout first and who can shout loudest.

Why am I off on this rant? Because of the latest reporting out of Iraq that a US soldier was taken hostage. Turns out that the picture were of an action figure! LMAO all afternoon on this one. So did these guys that posted this thing think they were going to pull one over on us (well, they sure did on the media)? What was next? Torture video with a guy holding a magnifying glass over him in the hot sun? The doll (his name is Cody by the way and was sold pretty much exclusively to soldiers ata base in Kuwait) getting slapped around by a bunch of man hating Barbie and Midge Dolls? Or maybe it just proves that Iraqis have the same sense of dark humor as the rest of us. Who knows?

While this one got exposed pretty fast, we still have Rathergate fresh in our memory. I guess the point of all this is, we can't truely make good decisions or have well informed opinions if this is the level our media has sunk to. Sad to say, but not being able to do such things results in a real loss in our freedom as individuals. A loss in freedom perhaps even greater than potentially caused by such things as the PATRIOT act. We're giving it away by buying into these crackpot talking heads, no matter which side of the fence they sit on. Maybe the integrity of journalism we grew up believing in was never really there, but it sure ain't any more.

End rant.......going to go laugh at doll picture again....he's pretty cool. Wonder if we can get those around here after this.....

02-01-2005, 09:07 PM
Oh my GOD! They got GI Joe!
Those devils! Someone find out where Barbie is.....is she OK????

Also in the news today.....a delivery driver was in an accident. He was rushed to the nearest hospital where doctors orderd a cat scan. Unfortunately, the lab scanner was out of order, awaiting a part that was late. They called Fed Ex to track the package wtih the spare part, and it was traced......to the truck the driver crashed earlier!

A guy breaks into a small store, cutting off his thumb on broke plate glass. He escapes but leaves the thumb at the scene of the crime. The cops find the thumb, run the prints, and get an ID on the guy. They go to his house and find him there, with a large, blood-soaked towel wrapped around his hand. The thumb was matched up to the wounded paw and found to be a perfect match. Cops wouldnot release the thumb to the doctors for possible re-attachment because it was evidence!

All three stories on the same newscast.......still laughing my butt off.

02-01-2005, 09:53 PM
I think we should begin an immediate hunt for Malibu Osama and his red corvette

Steve 'StatMan'
02-01-2005, 10:59 PM
I wonder how many Barbie Burka's they'll sell. :eek:

02-01-2005, 11:37 PM
I wonder how many Barbie Burka's they'll sell. :eek:When exactly was this Golden Age of truth & integrity in journalism? Back in the 20's & 30's, yellow journalism was king. In the 40's & 50's, it was all government and pro-America propaganda. In the 60's and the 70's, the left took over and since Watergate it is largely the opposite kind of propaganga. I know I am over-simplfying things, but the sad fact is that in any age a good man (i.e. committed to the truth and not easily fooled) is hard to find. The profession as a whole has always been sleezy, with just a few shining examples here and there of what it should be.

02-03-2005, 08:51 AM
Don't worry Joe. We're busting ya out.


from Scrappleface.com

Captive U.S. Soldier Doll Rescued by Bush Doll
by Scott Ott
(2005-02-01) -- Just hours after Islamic militants in Iraq threatened to behead a kidnapped U.S. soldier doll, the camouflaged action figure was rescued in a daring nighttime operation by a toy George W. Bush action figure.

The nine-inch-tall replica of the president left Andrews Air Force Base in a scale model of Air Force One within minutes after the Pentagon learned of the kidnapping from a picture on an Islamic website.

The top-secret flight was reminiscent of the life-size president's Thanksgiving visit to Baghdad in 2003. During the long trip, the presidential doll was programmed to say intimidating things in Arabic, and reportedly spent several hours practicing his kung-fu grip.

Even as the mission was secretly under way, Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-MA, went before the Senate to call for the immediate withdrawal of 12,000 military action figures from Iraq.

Upon hearing of the Bush doll's successful mission, Sen. John Kerry, D-MA, warned against "overhyping" the significance of the apparently heroic deed.