View Full Version : Philosophy

12-30-2004, 08:29 PM
The race track is one of the FEW places on this Earth whre being different is REWARDED. The iconoclast, the heteroclite (like myself), always gets rewarded in the good old parimutuel system.

Let me digress and explain this philiosophy for a bit: As an undergraduate I was simply "knocked off my feet" at witnessing the quality of students we had in my major. Came a time we had to write up (OUR choice) two of the 8 laboratory experiments we had accomplished during the term. From casual conversations, there were a few that were getting a lot of study and again, the ingenuity and original thinking in these reports was just amazing. One of the experiments was a total failure and NO one even considered writing on that one. I reviewed the experiemtnal design (based upon research) found the flaw which caused it to fail and out of a class of over 200, was the ONLY one to write on it, making suggestions as to how to salvage the same expereiment next term. Who was I going to be compared to???? NO ONE and got one of the highest grades in the class.

Race track philosophy is exactly the same: go to a venue with little or no competition, no Ragozin sheets, no Eclipse award trainers and/or riders and made myself an expert on odd distances and crumby low class horses. NO COMPETITION....it really works and the odds are often generous