View Full Version : Democratic Party-Controlled Doppelgangers: The Evil Twins

05-22-2020, 10:36 AM
May 21, 2020

DOJ: Democrats Paid Pennsylvania Election Officials to Stuff Ballot Box (https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/05/21/doj-democrats-paid-pennsylvania-election-officials-to-stuff-ballot-box/)

A former Judge of Elections in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, has been charged and pleaded guilty to illegally adding votes for Democrat candidates in judicial races in 2014, 2015, and 2016.

On Thursday, the Department of Justice (DOJ) announced (https://www.justice.gov/usao-edpa/pr/us-attorney-william-m-mcswain-announces-charges-and-guilty-plea-former-philadelphia) charges against former Judge of Elections Domenick DeMuro, 73, for stuffing the ballot box for Democrats in exchange for payment by a paid political consultant.

The charges, and guilty plea, include conspiracy to deprive Philadelphia voters of their civil rights by fraudulently stuffing the ballot boxes for specific Democrat candidates in the 2014, 2015, and 2016 primary elections and a violation of the Travel Act.

“The Trump administration’s prosecution of election fraud stands in stark contrast to the total failure of the Obama Justice Department to enforce these laws,” Public Interest Legal Foundation President Christian Adams said in a statement. “Right now, other federal prosecutors are aware of cases of double voting in federal elections as well as noncitizen voting. Attorney General William Barr should prompt those other offices to do their duty and prosecute known election crimes.”

05-22-2020, 10:48 AM
Facebook Evicts PragerU from Normal Public Visibility, Claiming ‘Repeated Sharing of False News’ (https://www.breitbart.com/tech/2020/05/20/facebook-evicts-prageru-from-normal-public-visibility-claiming-repeated-sharing-of-false-news/)

Facebook has buried the page of Conservative non-profit group PragerU and “reduced distribution” of its posts claiming that PragerU has engaged in “repeated sharing of false news.” The decision comes on the heels of a fact check of a PragerU video about polar bears by Facebook third-party fact-checker Climate Feedback.

Conservative non-profit group PragerU is once again facing censorship from tech giants. Facebook has reportedly reduced the reach of PragerU’s page on its platform and implemented restriction for the “repeated sharing of false news,” according to notifications that PragerU has received from Facebook following Mark Zuckerberg’s third-party fact-checker Climate Feedback labeling a PragerU video on polar bears as fake news.

05-22-2020, 11:27 AM
Gates Foundation Funded BOTH Imperial College and IHME, Failed Model-Makers (https://nationalfile.com/gates-foundation-funded-both-imperial-college-and-ihme-failed-model-makers/)

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation recently provided massive amounts of funding to both the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) and Imperial College in London, which both produced wildly incorrect models for the Coronavirus outbreak that sparked worldwide panic and provided false justification for government leaders to shut down the American economy, creating mass unemployment. Bill Gates is a vaccine oligarch who recently laughed at America’s economic devastation, so committed he is to his vision of vaccinating the world’s population and keeping society locked down until that becomes possible. Gates, like his crony Dr. Anthony Fauci, has fought the use of hydroxychloroquine to treat the virus and has claimed that society will never fully return to normal until a vaccine is ready. (READ: The Dark Truth About Fauci, Birx, Bill Gates and the Globalist Elites (https://nationalfile.com/president-trump-vs-bill-gates-on-treatment-fauci-has-a-100-million-conflict-of-interest/)).

05-22-2020, 12:09 PM
This thread should be titled Margie's Self-Own-o-Rama


Marshall Bennett
05-22-2020, 12:56 PM
The guy is laughing at Biden's latest gaffe..."if you're having trouble deciding who to vote for you're not black". :D

05-22-2020, 12:56 PM
This thread should be titled Margie's Self-Own-o-Rama


Well let's see we have some voter fraud... leftist censorship and the king of viruses Mr. Microchips missinfomation. All truths and facts.

But you know some people can't handle the truth... or facts. We can count you as one of them.

05-22-2020, 02:44 PM
Has the man got the stones to bankrupt the Country.