View Full Version : What kind of attacks do you expect in final two weeks from DemLibs & Republicans?

10-18-2004, 03:46 PM
What kind of attacks do you guys expect from the DemLibs and Republicans in these last few days before the election?

Remember last go round, the DemLibs ran drunk driving anti-Bush ads that hurt him pretty good just right before the election.

My take is this:

Republicans will continue to run Kerry anti-Vietnam War ads with more personal sound bytes from Vets. Probably some war protester/Jane Fonda type ads. Maybe some association with group that plotted assasinating a Senator type ads.

Also they may run some 9-11 type ads trying to link Kerry's 'soft on terrorist" side with the possibility that it will happen again if Kerry gets the call.

The DemLibs: The National Guard stuff didn't go anywhere except to put Dan Blater's ass in a sling. Forget that.

Haliburton goes nowhere.

WMD goes nowhere.

Probably no plan for future of Iraq gets a lot of play and maybe some sort of "secret document" appears that proves Bush went to war because of a secret deal with the Saudies or some sort of nonsense. Hope they didn't find that document up in Sandy Berger's anal canal.hehehe.

Bush is still vunerable on health care, prescription drugs, jobs and oil prices. Rx really matters to the old folks, they are really getting hosed at the pharmacy. I would have more simpathy for them except I live in Florida and hope they all get the flu and die-just kidding-I'm getting very close to retirement and there is some serious stuff to consider.

Hey, the DemLibs have looked Bush over pretty good in 2000 and the DUI was all they came up with.

Kerry is probably the one that should be worried about a smoking gun. I figure he and Teresa have a lot more skeletons in their closet.

Let me know what you think.



10-18-2004, 05:24 PM
Originally posted by JustMissed
I figure he and Teresa have a lot more skeletons in their closet.

Or at least a lot of ketchup! ;)

10-18-2004, 06:46 PM
I think the Dems are too caught up in worrying about suing the broadcast co. over the anti-kerry show to worry about trying to discredit Bush..

Kinda funny if you ask me.

10-18-2004, 11:39 PM
I expect them to just lie and make up stuff like Bush is going to have a draft or Bush is going to ruin Social Security or Bush is going keep black America from voting-----oops, it seems they are already saying these things-----well, I have faith that they will come up with some new lies to try and scare people into voting for Kerry because they can't win without the lies---of course they can't win with them either.

10-19-2004, 12:27 AM
I kinda expect no real October suprise cause it seems like anything that Kerry tries to blame bush on,he seems to be just as blameable.Or it blows away before it gets a hold in the mainstream.Bush should keep saying the same message not get too fancy or he may give Kerry something to spin.I think this election is over,but it ain't over til the fat lady sings.

10-19-2004, 12:52 AM
Schweitz, not only is Kerry saying those things but every Sunday he's saying them in black churches. suff and assorted other libs keep preaching about separation of Church and State but guess Kerry, Edwards and other Dems haven't got the message.

10-19-2004, 01:47 PM
Kerry has to has overwhelming media support- 80% of all print and broadcast media.
Bush has to put out an ad listing all of Kerry's missed voted over the last 20 years, proving he just does not care enough to vote at alo in the senate.
As I type, Kerry is on saying jobs lost since Hervert Hoover- nobody alive remembers Hoover! LOL.