View Full Version : Aintree Friday

04-07-2017, 02:13 AM
There was a very recent time where I couldn't handle the jump races, but I have found myself almost exclusively playing in the early AM now. Most of this change in preference was likely due to my reading of "A Fine Place to Daydream: Racehorses, Romance and the Irish" by Bill Barich (which I recommend, obviously).

Race 1: 8 Geordie Des Champs WP, Ex box 1,8,20

Race 2: 9 The Unit WP, Ex Box 4,5,9

Race 4: 9 Uxizandre WP, Ex Box 1,3,9

Race 5: 4 O O Seven WP, Ex Box 4,11,12

Race 6: 4 Debece WP, Ex Box 4,9,12

Race 7: 12 Run To Milan WP, 8,12,15