View Full Version : Berger-Keeps looking worse for DEMS.

07-22-2004, 10:35 AM
Guards left Berger alone, sources say
Ex-security adviser reportedly told monitors to violate rules as he took breaks, took files.

By James Gordon Meek
New York Daily News

Washington — Former national security adviser Sandy Berger repeatedly persuaded monitors assigned to watch him review top-secret documents to break the rules and leave him alone, sources said Wednesday.
Berger, accused of smuggling some of the secret files out of the National Archives, got the monitors out of the high-security room by telling them he had to make sensitive phone calls.

Guards were convinced to violate their own rules by stepping out of the secure room as he looked over documents and allegedly stashed some in his clothing, sources said.

"He was supposed to be monitored at all times but kept asking the monitor to leave so he could make private calls," a senior law enforcement source told the Daily News.

Berger also took "lots of bathroom breaks" that aroused some suspicion, the source added. It is standard procedure to constantly monitor anyone with a security clearance who examines the type of code-word classified files stored in the underground archives vault.

The same archives monitors told the FBI Berger was observed stuffing his socks with handwritten notes about files he reviewed that were going to the Sept. 11 panel. It is prohibited to make notes about the secret files and leave with them without special approval.

Berger's attorney, Lanny Breuer, has denied the allegation that Berger hid papers in his socks."




07-22-2004, 10:51 AM
this is quite interesting. I saw the house has opened an investigation, as well as the ongoing justice investigation. Like you, I want to know what exactly he took, and how he took it, and how many times did he take stuff.

And also why? If the motive truly was to remove or destroy info, then we're supposed to beleive we've only got one copy of these vital documents? We don't have backups? That to me would be a scandal in and of itself...so I'm not entirely certain that this was nefarious, it could have been, but it certainly sounds like at the very least it was stupid.

I've read a few articles so far, and they all contradict each other. We need some better reporters on the job...

07-22-2004, 02:14 PM
Ironically, the papers in question include the "Millenium" report which was prepared by none other than Richard Clarke (remember him?).

Mike at A+
07-22-2004, 02:36 PM
And isn't it amusing that the Democratic spin machine is talking more about the "timing" of the charges than the charges themselves? Hmmmmmmmm. It's going to be an interesting November. We need a filibuster-proof House and Senate to get any work done in government these days and the Democrats are leaving the door open for us to accomplish just that. Lets do it people and take America back from the looney left.