View Full Version : NBC tv BC coverage stunk.

11-07-2016, 11:51 PM
1) no live odds
2) no mtp
3) inconsistent viewing angles
generally terrible but no figure skaters + !

11-08-2016, 12:13 AM
1) no live odds
2) no mtp
3) inconsistent viewing angles
generally terrible but no figure skaters + !

I've been complaining about the viewing angles thing all my life. Andy Beyer once wrote a column about it 20 years ago when he was forced to watch a BC at home on NBC.

The basic pan shot provides all the information a viewer needs, especially if you add a split screen with a closer view of the leaders.

The problem is that every TV director thinks he or she is Fellini, and nobody wants to just do the obvious thing that any three year old can figure out. (An aside, but this problem exists in the two vocations I know the most about-- practicing law and playing poker. Way too many lawyers invest way too much time advancing creative losing arguments than they do shoring up obvious winning ones, and way too many poker players prefer making a fancy play that makes them less money to a play that any 6 year old could come up with that makes them more.)

So they all insist on "improving" on the tried and true formula by switching to all sorts of different camera angles during the race, thereby making it more difficult to see what is happening.

11-08-2016, 04:30 PM
has anyone ever watch this feed in regards to US racing. It's pretty good.
