View Full Version : Hillary murders another friend

Jess Hawsen Arown
08-09-2016, 08:45 AM
You have all seen the story by now of the Iranian nuclear scientist being executed as an American spy. How did they come to that conclusion?

One of Hillary's leaked Emails!

The list continues to grow!

Hillary outs nuclear scientist as our 'friend' in unprotected emails; Iran just executed him for treason!


How does this treasonous documented liar stay out of prison?

08-09-2016, 04:56 PM
The body count from the DNC email release is growing too, almost daily it seems.

08-09-2016, 06:05 PM
and it'll keep going on because they know they are above the law.

Jess Hawsen Arown
08-09-2016, 06:53 PM
You've all seen this list.


The Clinton apologists are correct when they say it proves nothing. No court of law can convict them if this is the only evidence.

But to see the circumstantial evidence presented and not believe the Clintons were behind it, well, you are just lying to yourselves.

Those people are evil. The evidence is overwhelming. I can reproduce the Comey interviews or the lists of irrefutable scandals and her attacks on the women who identified Bill Clinton as a sexual predator who attacked them -- and so much more. We will fight against that evil entering our White House again with our dying breaths.

08-09-2016, 07:32 PM
You've all seen this list.


The Clinton apologists are correct when they say it proves nothing. No court of law can convict them if this is the only evidence.

But to see the circumstantial evidence presented and not believe the Clintons were behind it, well, you are just lying to yourselves.

Those people are evil. The evidence is overwhelming. I can reproduce the Comey interviews or the lists of irrefutable scandals and her attacks on the women who identified Bill Clinton as a sexual predator who attacked them -- and so much more. We will fight against that evil entering our White House again with our dying breaths.
The only overwhelming evidence I see is the evidence that you are a fool. A lot of allegations and reportedlys with no actual evidence. A lot of people who have little or no actual contact with the Clinton's.

I'll tell you who is evil. You are and all the people who spread these lies for political gain.