View Full Version : This is getting weird

07-07-2004, 12:20 AM

07-07-2004, 12:34 AM
I posted some notes a while back wherein I explain that some emails I was getting from Iraq indicated that the Iraqi's themselves were just waiting for the Government handover to occur so they could take back their country from the insurgents. I believe this is what you are reading about in this article. These people have been pushed around for 30 years and I am told they don't appreciate the insurgents coming in and killing non combatants in "their name". I have exchanged emails with some U.S. Army types who say they, the Iraqi's, will be ruthless with pay back.

07-07-2004, 12:44 AM
Good for them. A good bloodletting will serve notice to other neighboring states.

BTW, did anyone else hear that Al-Jibeerish, the muslem mouth-piece network has expressed satisfaction with Edwards on the Kerry ticket?
Must be they would rather be sued than invaded! :D