View Full Version : Forget Mogen David. Will They Have Newspapers in Heaven?

05-31-2015, 09:06 AM
Video is great, and has its place in conveying information more vividly in many instances than printed accounts can. And I'm admittedly a dinosaur who's stuck in my ways. But I get tired of seeing a story on the web that I'd like to find out more about, only to click on it and then have to wait for a video to load, after which I have to watch the whole thing to get the full story. If it were a printed account, I could scan it and extract the information that I want or need in a few seconds, and then move on. But there's no stopping progress, I guess. :)

Here's the song by the Gatlin Brothers that I was referencing in my thread title, in case anyone hasn't heard it:


05-31-2015, 11:50 AM
it drives me nuts... I refuse to watch the video........dump the page and move on. I won't' reward them........

Gatlin is a good writer...... quirky...somewhat whimsical.. which is alright in my book


05-31-2015, 01:09 PM
What's funny is that back when Larry wrote that song Mogen David was probably the only thing he wouldn't drink.