View Full Version : J T Ryerson's horses completely dominated the Inner Dirt track @AQU -- Jan to Mar !!!

03-29-2015, 01:34 PM
J T Ryerson completed dominated the Inner Dirt track at Aqueduct from January to March 2015!!!

If you played all of his horses to win place and show for $2 it would have cost you $156 and you would have won $403.30 which is a profit of $247.30 giving you a 156% return on your money!!!

He only had 7 wins on the Inner Dirt for the season but it turned out to be a great thing since it kept the win odds from going down. There were decent odds on his horses almost all of the time the average win price was $30 thanks to three winners that paid $50+ between February and March.

http://www.insidethenumbers.net/images/comments/j t ryerson innerdrt.jpg

If I didn't know any better I would think that he preferred not to have many wins so that when his horses did win they would pay huge prices which is what happened.

Interesting to note that he just happened to win the last race on the last day of racing on the Inner Dirt track at Aqueduct.

It all happened right under the betting public's nose and based on the win odds very few players picked up on it!!!