View Full Version : Meehan and Simmons ! Eureka .. We got it on E Bay - outfoxed em

05-17-2004, 12:08 PM
The bid was hanging at 22 bucks for days...My friend...an Ebay
Expert ...put in a higher bid with 25 seconds to go LOL We
got it ...for whatever it is worth .. for 22.50 .. I will let yah know
if it is any good. The fun we had outbidding the person ..who
kept bidding it up ........was worth every nickel ...Ebay rules :)

05-17-2004, 04:51 PM
I'm glad to see you got it. That last second bidding is called "sniping." It's great when you "win" but it sucks when you "lose" your item.

05-17-2004, 05:28 PM
Cracked me up !! I left all of it in the good hands of my good
good friend Bob....he lives on E Bay :) .... Now we shall see
what Meehan and Simmons have. I am not holding out any
false hopes ..but the whole thing was fun ":":":