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01-17-2015, 07:09 PM

How 'Quantum Dots' Could Probe Mysteries of Entanglement

.... Masers could be used to perform experiments in quantum entanglement. The electrons in the two quantum dot pairs interact via the light waves they emit. So, it's possible to measure the states of the electrons to see if they are entangled (the states would be correlated). While the researchers didn't conduct full entanglement experiments, Petta said, they can use this setup to show that correlation happens over longer distances. Previous experiments had used single quantum dots, and the separations between particles were only about 50 nanometers.

The ability to create correlated quantum states over relatively large distances — a millimeter or more — has applications in quantum computing, since such correlated states are part of the processing in such machines.

Etanglement is also a key part of quantum cryptography. If an encryption key is encoded using entangled particles, then anyone who tries to eavesdrop and discover the key will alter the entangled state, revealing themselves (and alerting the intended recipients they should use another key).

The new study was published online yesterday (Jan. 15) in the journal Science.