View Full Version : Kudos To Obama

08-08-2014, 12:11 PM
Let me be the first to say, kudos to Obama for stepping up and authorizing air strikes, which have begun, against ISIS. :ThmbUp:

Better late then never, but it's a start.

08-08-2014, 12:36 PM
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Let me be the first to say, kudos to Obama for stepping up and authorizing air strikes, which have begun, against ISIS. :ThmbUp:

Better late then never, but it's a start.

The Iraqi army should have been all over ISIS in the first place.
The fact that they weren't was probably because they were not willing to die for Shia Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, who has made Sunnis and Kurds second class citizens.
After all the U.S. spent millions of dollars training the new army, which had aircraft, tanks, and first class artillery.

Obama was astute in not jumping in with boots on the ground - waiting to see what the Iraqi army would do and should be doing.
He wouldn't be in there today either except his hand was forced by the savagery that is about to take place on the Kurds and the fact that al-Maliki isn't keen on losing soldiers for the Kurds.

If a more all inclusive Iraqi Prime Minister was in power, there would be no need for Obama to act.

08-08-2014, 12:48 PM
It must warm the hearts of his supporters to know that the first public high fives came from McCain and Graham.

Robert Fischer
08-08-2014, 01:03 PM
"JETS" play the "RAIDERS" in Week 1

hunch bet ??

08-10-2014, 02:30 PM
I bet these airstrikes are temporary and are too little too late. He should have struck before they took Mosul.

08-10-2014, 02:50 PM
He should of did this when they where a small rust bubble under the finish. Now that the fenders have rusted off... 0bama pulls out some Duck Tape to try and smooth it over.

Kudos indeed.

08-10-2014, 04:13 PM
I bet these airstrikes are temporary and are too little too late. He should have struck before they took Mosul.


Ocala Mike
08-10-2014, 04:30 PM
2nd guessing!


08-10-2014, 04:43 PM
Not at all.
Despite the outright lies the ass clown is telling his gullible zombies, the intel was there for a long time. The time for effective action has long since passed.

But fear not, I heard he birdied the 8th today.

08-10-2014, 09:48 PM
No, I don't think he's that good on the greensward, either.

08-10-2014, 10:14 PM
I think its time to give him a pass, he is just coasting till 2016. Focus on doing our part by voting is the more constructive path. So he ordered airstrikes, the pressure to do that must have been enormous when the safe play is often to do nothing.

NJ Stinks
08-10-2014, 11:18 PM
Let me be the first to say, kudos to Obama for stepping up and authorizing air strikes, which have begun, against ISIS. :ThmbUp:

Better late then never, but it's a start.

Looks like the kudos lasted a couple posts anyway.

08-11-2014, 08:48 AM
When I saw the title of the thread I thought Obama admitted he is in over his head and resigned,but I guess not.

08-11-2014, 09:50 AM
Looks like the kudos lasted a couple posts anyway.

Maybe we would be more inclined to give them is he was not months late to the party and then lied about it. You buy anything this ass clown says, no matter what the facts are, don't you?

We KNEW all along - HE was told along.
HE did NOTHING all along.

This mess is HIS. HE owns it.

08-11-2014, 10:59 AM
Maybe we would be more inclined to give them is he was not months late to the party and then lied about it. You buy anything this ass clown says, no matter what the facts are, don't you?

We KNEW all along - HE was told along.
HE did NOTHING all along.

This mess is HIS. HE owns it.

One of the most rabid and outspoken Obama fans in the media has been Andrea Mitchell. When Mitchell calls BS (http://dailycaller.com/2014/08/10/nbcs-todd-mitchell-sour-on-obama-over-iraq-excuses-a-farce/) on him, you know the honeymoon is over.

Top NBC reporters Chuck Todd and Andrea Mitchell turned on President Obama over his excuses for Iraq’s unravelling on Sunday, with Todd claiming he never tried to secure a 2011 troop agreement with the Iraqi government and Mitchell calling the White House’s bad intelligence excuse “a farce.”

The pair unloaded on the Obama administration during Sunday’s “Meet the Press,” calling it aimless and needling its excuses for the sudden surge of ultra-violent jihadis in northern Iraq.

Mitchell slammed President Obama for his other excuse — that the sudden collapse of American allies, the Kurds, against Islamic State fighters was an unforeseen surprise.

“And to say that he didn’t have intelligence — this is not a hard target, this is [Kurdish capital] Erbil,” she laughed. “We have people there.”

“The fact is, there was intelligence,” she declared. “And to say that they were shocked by the [Kurdish] Peshmerga [fighters], on Saturday night, being routed is a farce!”

08-11-2014, 11:23 AM
Holy Moly!
You mean all that is left of the Obama cheering squad is stinky and mostie?
when "Annnn-drea Mitchell, NBC News" (in my Rush voice) turns on him, get out your umbrellas - pigs are flying!

08-11-2014, 11:41 AM
Holy Moly!
You mean all that is left of the Obama cheering squad is stinky and mostie?
when "Annnn-drea Mitchell, NBC News" (in my Rush voice) turns on him, get out your umbrellas - pigs are flying!

All the rats are leaving the sinking ship. David Gregory of NBC (http://dailycaller.com/2014/08/10/david-gregory-slams-obama-big-expansive-terrorist-threat-amassed-on-his-watch/) in an interview with Dick Durbin:

“Is the problem that the Obama administration — wanting to be something other than President Bush – got out of the business of confronting terrorism on a big, global scale and just dealt with it in a more limited way?” he asked. “Is it an underreaction to the terrorist threat?”

Durbin tried to steer the conversation specifically back to Iraq, but Gregory cut him off. ”I’m talking about the terrorist threat!” he said. “I’m talking about fighting terrorism.”

“The Obama team said, ‘We are not in the business of a global fight against terror, we’re fighting al-Qaida in limited forms,” the NBC host continued. “This is a big, expansive terrorist threat that has amassed on his watch.”

And Ron Fournier of the liberal National Journal called him the Underestimater in Chief.

On Fox News Sunday, the National Journal writer (http://dailycaller.com/2014/08/10/ron-fournier-obama-underestimater-in-chief/) bemoaned the White House’s consistent underestimation of threats around the globe — particularly the Islamic State, an ultra-violent jihadist group sweeping through northern Iraq and attempting genocide.

“This is a president that underestimated [the Islamic State] — he called them jayvee,” Fournier said. “He underestimated what was going to happen after Libya. He underestimated Putin.”

“He’s been the Commander-in-Chief or the Underestimater-in-Chief,” he charged. “So I don’t want him to underestimate — we can’t afford the president to underestimate this threat.”

08-11-2014, 12:38 PM
ISIS is more powerful than Al Qeda was on 9/11.
We are at the biggest risk today since 9/12.
The lefties here whined and cried that Bush ignored a vague memo in August 2001 ( and his golf, too, but I digress).

What about the specific threat that ISIS will see us in NYC?
Or that they will fly their flag over the White House?
Ralph posted yesterday that it already flies over Europe.

08-11-2014, 12:56 PM
What about the specific threat that ISIS will see us in NYC?
Or that they will fly their flag over the White House?
Ralph posted yesterday that it already flies over Europe.

George Will pointed out on Fox yesterday that the argument for our invasion of Afghanistan was that it was too dangerous a threat to our homeland to allow such a country to be a free and open base for terrorists. And if Afghanistan was effectively a huge training camp for terrorists, what will the Islamic Caliphate be?

It can only be assumed that Obama will be content with an Islamic State that ceases to threaten the Kurds and the rest of Iraq, based on his goal of a solution with no victors and no vanquished.

08-11-2014, 01:09 PM
It's more than just ISIS in Iraq.

Libya is blazing.
ISIS has taken over the seige in Syria.
Putin is flexing his muscles in the Ukraine.
China is not afraid to hack American Government computers.
North Korea spits at the U.S.

The truth is the mice of the world perceive that the cat is away.
Doesn't matter.
Obama is a tiger without teeth and they've sensed that for quite awhile.
Rightly or wrongly, the "bad guys" of the world are less inclined to strut their stuff in years when they "perceive" a stronger President in power.
Whether the Pres is stronger or not doesn't matter, but the perception must be there.
It ain't gonna happen with this weak tea bag.

08-11-2014, 01:10 PM
ISIS has no borders - they will continue to move and slaughter.
The whole region is in danger.

Wait, this just in.......


1:00 pm today......

......birdied the third.