View Full Version : Need help with bet on the movie Jurassic Park

04-26-2004, 11:04 AM
In Jurassic Park John Hammond (the park creator and owner) complains to Dennis Nedry (the computer tech guy that tries to steal the embryos) that some of the software in the park isn't working properly. Nedry gets angry at the criticsm and they argue.

Hammond tells him:
I don't blame people for their mistakes, but I do ask that they pay for them.

Nedry yells back:
Thanks, Dad.

A friend and I have a bet on what this exchange means. He says Hammond is Nedry's father. I say Nedry was just being sarcastic, and Hammond ISN'T Nedry's father. Can anyone say for sure one way or the other if they are related?

Dick Schmidt
04-26-2004, 09:45 PM
In the book they are not related.


Not one shred of evidence supports the notion that life is serious.

04-26-2004, 10:04 PM
I've found about 14 people who feel sure one way or the other. So far it's 14 people say that they are not related, and 0 say that they are. My friend replies that the opinions of others, even opinions from people who appear to be experts about the movie are meaningless. He declares that Nedry says, and he quotes-- "Thanks Dad."

He says it doesn't make any difference in what manner the comment is made. The only that counts is that he made the comment. He says Nedry and Hammond HAVE to be related. I've got a copy of the book and now I'm trying to determine if John Hammond had only one child. If he did, then my friend says he will accept this as proof. Otherwise we'll have to forget about it. The lengths I will go to win this idiotic wager.

Everybody better get ready for the derby.

04-26-2004, 10:51 PM
It is obvious sarcasm, and he says it sarcastically. Your friend is messing with you, or is just plain stupid. If they are father-son, the line makes NO SENSE (not to mention Nedry is named Nedry, not Hammond). As sarcasm, it makes perfect sense.

Dan Montilion
04-26-2004, 11:28 PM
Jurassic Park? What the hell race is he in?

Dan Montilion