View Full Version : Round Robin play 2

03-04-2014, 06:48 AM
The scheme I use is to play until 2 hits, then stop and collect savings from the first hit and results from the second hit. Each race has 2 selections. After a first hit no new $$$$ are added and the proceeds from the first hit is divided at $2 a ticket until the second hit. My overall philosophy includes bowing out 1 day after 2 consecutive empty days. The total data from 2 selections per race for 13 races was 3 wins of $42.20, $77.20 and $37 in races 2,5 and12. With all of that, i managed to use $36 to produce a profit of 290%.

03-04-2014, 08:51 AM
If you're using two horses a race, how did you only bet $36?

If you like parlays, James Giordano wrote books called Parlaymaster and Let It Ride and also had a software program to figure parlays.

03-04-2014, 11:03 AM
$8 to get first hit......of $42.20 and spread it @ $2 a ticket.....to get $77.20 bringing the original, i.e. first hit to $30.20......adding them together to get $107.40.....go 7 more races to next hit of $37.....that is 7x2x2=$28 has been added to the cost.....giving a total of $36. The 13th race cost $4 and the $28 was subtracted from the $37 hit....profit from 3rd hit $4. Total races series exercise is: $111.40 - $36 =$75.40.