View Full Version : Nutty people

03-23-2004, 06:30 AM
I don't want to jump into the fray, so I won't mention names or point out specific threads.

I'm just wondering why is it that every time we get rid of one obsessive psycho around here another one shows up shortly to take their place with some new interesting form of mental baggage. Seriously, is there some agency that dispatches them so every internet forum is covered?

03-23-2004, 06:40 AM
Sometimes it is an organized effort


03-23-2004, 06:54 AM
I'm not talking about political discussions or anything here in Off Topic -- we've had the same psychos in here for a while, and obviously politics in general has a way of bringing out the worst in people (especially in the politicians themselves).

I mean on the horse racing boards...

Steve 'StatMan'
03-23-2004, 03:30 PM
Maybe the psychotics, drunks, screamers, negative ranters, etc. that we usually try to avoid at the track are finally buying computers and using the internet now.

At the track, we usually figure out who to avoid, and can see when they're coming near us, and can take evasive actions - move to the other side of the room or floor, walk the other direction, stare intently at the monitors and try to ignore them, etc.

Should these types find our favorite racing forums, however, our options are much more limited. Seems it's pretty much find ways to ignore them (hard sometimes), or leave the forum, at least for a while - and our course we'll be darned if we're willing to do that, right?

I'm not thinking about anyone in particular here either. I just know who on my local circuit I would hate to feel stuck dealing with on a regular basis, and glad I haven't had them cause problems online yet - that I'm aware of.

I had a cube-mate one time that my whole work team despised, and I wasn't too fond of him either. When I would get phone calls from corporate recruiters(head hunters) and he was out of the cube, I'd give them his name and number and recommend him as a hot prospect. His phone would start ringing as soon as I hung up. Eventually he did get a job elsewhere. :) Maybe recomending other forums is the trick - and hope they try them and like it there! :D

03-23-2004, 03:51 PM
Some people can still be a perfect ass with or without hemorrhoids.


03-23-2004, 03:57 PM
I tell them to use the Selections board! I have my picks done prior to the races and do not watch most of the races, so you can send the psychos to me! I avoid those who stare too intentlly at the screen; especially if they have an excuse for every loss. I tell them "That's why they call it a horse race!!