View Full Version : net pool pricing and negative show pools

10-12-2013, 02:11 AM
Does anyone know how net pool pricing works with negative show pools?

I have seen horses with over 90% of the show pool come in and the horses that showed did not pay the minimums. Is the source of the negative pool bets responsible for pay-offs, if they contributed to a negative pool? Will I get different pay-offs from different ADWs on the same race when there was a negative pool?

10-12-2013, 10:31 AM
The way they calculate the place and show payoffs now is different than the way it used to be. The new way has a tendency to the lower the payoffs to place and show on favorites and raise them on the other horses.

If I recall the math, the basic difference is that they don't apply the track "take" on the entire pool first and then divide the remainder among the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place finisher in the correct proportion.

They divide the whole pool among the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place finishers first and then apply the take.

If I can find the document I used to have explaining it, I'll post it.

10-12-2013, 01:31 PM
Here is a blog post where a sample WPS payouts are calculated using both the old way and net pool pricing so you can see the difference.
