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03-15-2004, 10:28 AM
So we actually are about to (or have) tied Al Quaida to the train bombings.. Hmm, what shall we do now.. I got it!! Let's pull our troops immediately.. Holy mother of crap..


03-15-2004, 11:11 AM
Let's say you get involed in a gang activity to help a friend out. Now the rival gang,finds out about you. Now your car is vandalized,your windows are broken by flying rocks,you get threats on the phone etc. And above all your family is pissed at you for putting them in that situation. In this analogy,the you is the Spanish government and your family is the people.The pullout is the same thing you would be doing if you were the object of retaliation by a gang. It was never their problem in the first place,to pay such a price. It's not worth it to take up arms and compound the problem . The Spanish government knows it was payback for their involvement in the Iraq war. They should leave it at that.... for now,and get the F out of Iraq.

03-15-2004, 11:19 AM
Another one spouting off with only a limited understanding of the situation. Zapetero promised to pull out long before the attacks -- it was part of his campaign platform.

Originally posted by sq764
So we actually are about to (or have) tied Al Quaida to the train bombings.. Hmm, what shall we do now.. I got it!! Let's pull our troops immediately.. Holy mother of crap..


03-15-2004, 11:27 AM
I see your point, but don't agree with it's shortsightedness.

If I helped out, or backed a friend, knowing I would need that friend again down the road, I might think twice before abandoning their cause.

I don't think they are thinking big picture.

03-15-2004, 12:18 PM
amazin, obviously you don't live in gang territory, i do. And if you don't stand up against them they will eventually kill you or plunder you for sure. The same holds true of Al Queada or any other terrorist group. You can't back off hoping they will leave you in peace because they won't. Their aim is to kill everyone who is not a muslim or make them one. Cowardice is not the answer.

Larry Hamilton
03-15-2004, 12:27 PM
A defining characteristic of cowardice, lefty, is those who are cowards name it something they can live with. Sort of like pro-life which means baby dies, mom lives even though mom's life is not threatened. And homosexuals calling themselves gay instead of perverse.

03-15-2004, 12:53 PM
There are 2 types of leaders in this world. Those that try to make peace and those that try to make war. George Bush said it on "Meet the Press","I'm a war president".Align yourself with him like Spain did and you will get war whether you like it or not. It's not a matter of bowing down to terrorists. It's a matter of making SMART political decisions.

03-15-2004, 12:56 PM
Larry, don't be so shy.. sheesh...

03-15-2004, 12:58 PM
Amazin, if you were president, how would you have handled, or reacted to 9/11?

03-15-2004, 01:05 PM
amazin, he's a war president cause we're at war. Why is it you don't get you can't make peace with terrorists? They hit us in america and all over the world during the Clinton "socalled peace" yrs and that administration did little. This president realizes these terrorists not going to leave us or the rest of the world in peace so the only alternative is fight. You can't negotiate with terrorists. So climb out of your utopian fantasies and come into the real world.

btw, i've been living in N. LV for 16-17 yrs. In that time i've ran off drug dealers and "dog fighters" if I hadn't done that do you think they would have left me coexist in peace? Noway.

03-15-2004, 01:44 PM
Everone tried to separate 911 from Iraq- now they want to tie this one to Al-Queda quickly. / Our best presidents have been 1 type- the type that could handle war OR peace! like Washington; Jefferson; Wilson; Truman; Eisenhower; Kennedy (missle crisis); Reagan. / Peace presidents usually wait too long to act tough and avoid a bigger war or allow us to be run into the ground: Roosevelt (Japan); LBJ (bombing too slowly); Carter ( too soft on Iran and Russia); Clinton (no response to most terror acts like Cole, 1st WTC in '93). We need peace through strength, but if we Have to go to war, go for it big!! /

03-15-2004, 02:44 PM
Yes kenwoodallpromos,Peace through strength not unecessary stupidity. Iraq war accomplished nothing but create more terrorists in an area that was never a breeding ground for terrorism,but now is. The world is more at risk today due to GWB's actions as we recently saw in Spain.

03-15-2004, 03:00 PM
Reps are elephants because they have a long memory- Demos are donkeys because sometimes even a 2x4 would not do any good! Look it up: during this last Iraq war, we found a terrorist training camp inside Iraq in the north near the Iran border. We also found hundreds of suicide vests; Hussein paid $25,000.00 to the family of any suicide bombers of Israel. To say your sworn enemy Baby Bush CREATED terrorists is not factual. Prove it! One Madrid bomber has also been tied to 911- that blows your Bush-made terrorists in Madrid completely out of the water!! By the way, Saudis paying off terrorist bombers did not keep them or their Islamic people safe. Many devoput Muslim are being hkilled by the goddless radicals. They are going againt the Book of Koran in their killings. BTW, Morrocco has always been a breeding ground for criminals!

03-15-2004, 04:46 PM
So Iraq war did not increase Terrorism ?

Polls have showed Americans now say that the war in Iraq has increased the risk of terrorism in the U.S.They say U.S. foreign policy creates a climate that makes it easier for terrorists to recruit new members and raise money.The U.S.now faces an increasingly hostile and radicalized population that is determined to free the country of foreign occupation. It has further antagonized masses of people throughout the Arab world, with thousands reportedly pouring into Iraq from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Pakistan and elsewhere to fight the occupiers.And of course the occupied themselves are enlisting.Anger and protests in the streets over broken Bush promises,that started a senseless war based on proven lies. These latest factors did not exist before the war .

03-15-2004, 05:51 PM

What is your view of existing factors before the war in Iraq?

03-15-2004, 07:51 PM
Originally posted by sq764
Amazin, if you were president, how would you have handled, or reacted to 9/11?

He would probably have apologized for our towers getting in the way of the airplanes.

03-15-2004, 07:56 PM
Originally posted by Amazin
Yes kenwoodallpromos,Peace through strength not unecessary stupidity. Iraq war accomplished nothing but create more terrorists in an area that was never a breeding ground for terrorism,but now is. The world is more at risk today due to GWB's actions as we recently saw in Spain.

No, that is blatantly wrong. Look at the stash of nuclear stuff we got from Lybia. All that was ready to be assembled and used at will. The capture of Hussein is why we have it today and not Lybia. How many more cache's like this are still out there?
Those are WMD we are looking at, dude.

I am curious, you condem Bush for being a war president. Just what do you call the various leaders of the arab worlkd who are sponsoring terroism? Aren't you one who pleaded the case of the palestineans use of homacide bombers because of the history of abuse towards them by Israel? Is Arafat a "peace leader?"

03-15-2004, 11:47 PM
Tom, I almost spit beer out of my nose at Your towers comment...

03-16-2004, 12:04 AM
Of course some of our foreign policies cause problems- most of Any country's imperialist moves cause problems, and both party's presidents go along with the program by doing a few imperialistic moves for control or profit. / I did not answer whether there was an increased risk- I just answered about the "breeding ground" of Iraq. There is always an increased risk when you fight back about anything- but not as lopsided against us as ther risk of doing nothing against those sworn to be Martyrs. And I say the incidence of thousands of \Arabs in lots of countries denmostrating, burning US and Israeli flags, burning our leaders in effigy, and shouting "Death to America" has ground to a halt! If you do not believe me, tune in to CNN- if there was even 1 demonstrator with a picture of Saddam anywhere he would be on! / Off topic- And by the way- The Muslim radical paintballers in the USA practicing for the "intahad" who had websites (BSU at Michigan State, Georgetown U., and in Alabama) have disappeared after I reported them to the FBI! You are welcome!

03-16-2004, 12:01 PM
sq764"Amazin, if you were president, how would you have handled, or reacted to 9/11? "

If I was president,911 would never have happened.

Why?Cause I would kiss terrorist ass? No,cause I would deal with the cause rather than the symptoms. Terrorism is the manifistation of a social disease. Remove the cause and you get to the root and wipe it out. The cause of terrorism is fed by our own government. I give the U.S. a 99-1 chance of wiping out terrorism without changing it's foreign policy.There is no better example of this than in Israel who is #1 in anti terrorist tactics,such as targeted killings(an accepted form of extreme terrorism),torture,housing demolitions,checkpoints,walls,etc..They teach the U.S. how to deal with terrorist.And yet with the most harshest counter terrorism tactics in the world, how successful have they been?There is no end to it with their methods. You can't squeeze an arab's head in a vice and then wonder why the hell they're pissed off and just see the pissed off part and declare them lunatics and terrorists when it was you who incited their rage by putiing their damn heads in the vice in the first place. As president,I would remove the vice.

This anti terrorism campaign is one of the most stupidest phenomena on the planet. You can't stop it if you keep feeding it

03-16-2004, 12:13 PM
amazin, you are in a fantasy world. What did we do to enlist the terrorist rage except that we're a captitalist democracy and for the most part we are not Islams. How would you change that? You can't appease terrorists. These extreme muslims even kill other Muslims. You are living in a 5 yr old dream state.
When I was 5 I thght you could be nice and everyone would be nice too. I am no longer 5. Grow up, sir.

03-16-2004, 12:47 PM
Amazin, so, in essence, you would bow down to their threats. You would change your own country's foreign policy to avoid further terrorist attacks. That would be bright.

Once you give in to that, what do you think happens the next time they want something changed? You got it, more attacks.

Thank God Kennedy didn't have your lack of balls.. We would all be talking Russian now.

03-16-2004, 05:52 PM
Just say what you mean........... you are a socialist and advocate socialist values. You may border on communist. Why don't you lay out your "perfect world" and let us decide.

03-16-2004, 06:19 PM
Careful Ralph,
I suspect A's perfect world would not include you or me!

03-16-2004, 07:19 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Amazin
sq764"Amazin, if you were president, how would you have handled, or reacted to 9/11? "

If I was president,911 would never have happened.

Why?Cause I would kiss terrorist ass? No,cause I would deal with the cause rather than the symptoms. Terrorism is the manifistation of a social disease. Remove the cause and you get to the root and wipe it out. The cause of terrorism is fed by our own government. I give the U.S. a 99-1 chance of wiping out terrorism without changing it's foreign policy.There is no better example of this than in Israel who is #1 in anti terrorist tactics,such as targeted killings(an accepted form of extreme terrorism),torture,housing demolitions,checkpoints,walls,etc..They teach the U.S. how to deal with terrorist.And yet with the most harshest counter terrorism tactics in the world, how successful have they been?There is no end to it with their methods. You can't squeeze an arab's head in a vice and then wonder why the hell they're pissed off and just see the pissed off part and declare them lunatics and terrorists when it was you who incited their rage by putiing their damn heads in the vice in the first place. As president,I would remove the vice.

This anti terrorism campaign is one of the most stupidest phenomena on the planet. You can't stop it if you keep feeding it [/QUOTE

If Israel did not fight back there would be no Israel.

03-16-2004, 08:29 PM
Our foreign policy is not an innocent one.Maybe to an ignoramous. But to people who die on the other end of our mom and apple pie disguised foreign policy,we are the scum of the earth. That's where the fuel comes for terrorism. It becomes perfectly justified to kill an American for a foreigner's death at the hands of Americans, just as Americans feel it to be justified to kill foreigners due to American deaths at the hands of foreigners.Let me give you an example.

When the world knows Israel is violating every human right known to man with palestinians, and the U.S. supports these human rights violations with billions of dollars in aid to Israel every year,what do you expect the average middle easterner to think. That the U.S. is fair and just? Should they just bow down and eat shit? Sorry Charlie. You reap what you sow,and with a foreign policy like our kill an arab a day foreign policy ,we have sowed the roots of terrorism, and sealed our fate.

03-16-2004, 08:35 PM
If I ubderstand A correctly, the vice is not squeezed hard enough to break the skull! That is the problem! Bush should put the "VICE" President Cheney totally in charge of fighting terrorism and the the "VICE" Pres squeeze the heck out of the terrorists until their "head" Bin Laden breaks and dies and then go take it to the rest of them. Under the ACLU- Socialist John F Fonda plans we will have thousands of Al-Qieda terrorists in the USA working at McD's, self-infected with rabies and spitting into all the big macs! Then only the Socialist-Vegetarians will be left to be enslaved into 2nd class citizens until they convert or are killed!!

03-16-2004, 08:44 PM
Originally posted by Amazin
Our foreign policy is not an innocent one.Maybe to an ignoramous. But to people who die on the other end of our mom and apple pie disguised foreign policy,we are the scum of the earth. That's where the fuel comes for terrorism. It becomes perfectly justified to kill an American for a foreigner's death at the hands of Americans, just as Americans feel it to be justified to kill foreigners due to American deaths at the hands of foreigners.Let me give you an example.

When the world knows Israel is violating every human right known to man with palestinians, and the U.S. supports these human rights violations with billions of dollars in aid to Israel every year,what do you expect the average middle easterner to think. That the U.S. is fair and just? Should they just bow down and eat shit? Sorry Charlie. You reap what you sow,and with a foreign policy like our kill an arab a day foreign policy ,we have sowed the roots of terrorism, and sealed our fate.

How dare those damn jews complain about the homicide bombers! Who do they think they are?
And as long as we keep real men like Bush in office and people like Kerry out, we will eventually prevail.
Thank God you don't represent the American spirit.
Don't it just burn yer buns that Bin Laden wants to kill YOU, too?
Even though you obviously suppoort terroism and just retaliation against the innocent Americans. Maybe you are a sleeper?;)

03-16-2004, 08:48 PM
I think Amazin should find a place to live and a job in France. He certainly would fit right in with the wuss attitude.

You will never have to go to war, you can just be snooty to Americans.

03-16-2004, 09:07 PM
amazin, you are just that. We criticized France for not being with us in Iraq and you called us racists. Now here you are telling Israel they have no right to defend themselves against a people who have vowed to wipe them from the face of the earth. You sir, are the ignoramus and worse. Grow Up.

03-16-2004, 09:25 PM
Originally posted by Amazin
Our foreign policy is not an innocent one.Maybe to an ignoramous. But to people who die on the other end of our mom and apple pie disguised foreign policy,we are the scum of the earth. That's where the fuel comes for terrorism. It becomes perfectly justified to kill an American for a foreigner's death at the hands of Americans, just as Americans feel it to be justified to kill foreigners due to American deaths at the hands of foreigners.Let me give you an example.
When the world knows Israel is violating every human right known to man with palestinians, and the U.S. supports these human rights violations with billions of dollars in aid to Israel every year,what do you expect the average middle easterner to think. That the U.S. is fair and just? Should they just bow down and eat shit? Sorry Charlie. You reap what you sow,and with a foreign policy like our kill an arab a day foreign policy ,we have sowed the roots of terrorism, and sealed our fate.

Now it all makes sense. Amazin is a pissed off Arab......... now I get it. You are un-American because of our support of Israel. It all makes sense.

03-16-2004, 09:48 PM
I thought he was Jane Fonda.

03-16-2004, 10:08 PM
Originally posted by Amazin

When the world knows Israel is violating every human right known to man with palestinians, and the U.S. supports these human rights violations with billions of dollars in aid to Israel every year,what do you expect the average middle easterner to think. That the U.S. is fair and just? Should they just bow down and eat shit? Sorry Charlie. You reap what you sow,and with a foreign policy like our kill an arab a day foreign policy ,we have sowed the roots of terrorism, and sealed our fate.

Amazin you have now shown your true colors---very sad.

03-16-2004, 11:11 PM
Originally posted by Amazin
...we have sowed the roots of terrorism, and sealed our fate.

Sealed our fate? You've got to be kidding!

How's this doomsday scenario going to play itself out? Because so far, it's been a bust BIG TIME.

They smack us across the face (9/11) and we take a piano and drop it on their head. You tell me whose fate was really sealed?

03-17-2004, 01:13 AM
let me try to make this as open minded as i can.
when an infant is bloodfed from the tit, that being will only know the one thing he craves the most, the sweet desirious flavor of warm nurturing blood, diluted with all matters infectious impurities.
do you really know these people? do you really know, amazin, who these people are? what their final destination and decrees are? and what those destinations and decrees are all about?
it doesnt matter whos right and whose wrong, thier drink is to drink the blood of their enemies. and if they knew who their enemy was they would repent in sackcloth and ashes, because their enemy has been thier hunger and thirst for the blood of others.
it wouldnt matter to them how much you sympithize with them and their cause, they'dkillyaassoonaslookatya with your wife and childran to be the first kill and you the last kill... just because your an american and you love your country. 9/11 was going to happen regaurdless, i guarantee you that. and you know what else amazin? you can expect more of the same, cause with these people its just a matter of the time it takes to plan out a succsessful undertaking. and personally iam a little suprised these people havent totally cotaminated some, most or all our water supply, lakes, rivers dams ect. for the next 50 years but a mission like that is a big undertaking and reguires errorless planning but you can be sure its on the books. so my suggestion is to not spend to much time in bed with these fellows. its like training a pit viper to be nice and dont bite.

03-17-2004, 11:46 AM
amazin, and all others of your ilk: It's time to quit blaming america and back america.

03-17-2004, 12:53 PM

I'm not saying Israel has no right to defend itself.I'm saying Palestinians have a right to defend themselves and if they are using Terrorism(although I don't condone it),that's their perogative. When you are fighting for your very survival ,there are no rules of decency.

Remember,they are the occupied.They have been invaded.Are you guys that dumb,you don't realize this?Yes. If I came into your house and held you at gunpoint while I did what I wanted to your house and you,you would do whatever you could to kill me or deter me. Palestinians are in that position. What the f you think the infitada is? If you guys support Iraq freedom then where is Palestinian freedom? This is the heart of the hypocracy that Muslims around the world see. The U.S. could give 2 shits about freedom for Muslims. It's freedom when the U.S. tells em it's freedom,therefore the U.S.will be subject to terrorism till it gets that thru it's fat f'n foreign policy head.

BTW Tom. Israelis started the terrorism in that region with an organized immigration via the zionist movement in the 1920's where palestinians began to be displaced. Palestinians have been subjected to Israeli/zionistic Terrorism till today. They are the true victims here. If you can't see that,you have no understanding of terrorism,and can never solve it.

03-17-2004, 07:12 PM
I don't see the Israeli's handing suicide bombs to 11 year old kids in the terroristic attempt to further their cause.........

to me that makes the Palestinians out and out criminals. They don't deserve any respect or rights of any kind. Not that they didn't do things 30 years ago that weren't just as bad.They have been acting like animals for a long time. They are animals. end of story...........

03-17-2004, 07:36 PM
Just Ralph said
"I don't see the Israeli's handing suicide bombs to 11 year old kids in the terroristic attempt to further their cause........."
Don't look now ralph but the Israeli's have wmd's supplied by the good ol USA. Don't need suicide bombers DUH!

03-17-2004, 07:42 PM
OK, we are back to the 1920's. How far back shall we go with land "rights"? Genesis says God did not intend any humans to live outside the garden of Eden, then I think he kicked them out without telling them exactly where they can live.

03-17-2004, 09:41 PM
Originally posted by Amazin

BTW Tom. Israelis started the terrorism in that region with an organized immigration via the zionist movement in the 1920's where palestinians began to be displaced. Palestinians have been subjected to Israeli/zionistic Terrorism till today. They are the true victims here. If you can't see that,you have no understanding of terrorism,and can never solve it.

And who did the palestineans dispalce when they got there?
They are not victims-they are cold blooded murders and when Israel bombs their neighborhoods I say Hooray! Ther have been MANY attempts to liv epeace but it it the palestinean bloodsuckers that always thwart it. If Arafat is your leader, you are a terroist.
I don't want to solve terroism- I want to kill terroists.
I want to take off the gloves.

03-17-2004, 10:01 PM
Did we not displace the Native American Indian? How far should we take this?

There's always two sides to every story. The situation in the Middle East is never an easy answer.

Should the United States not have allies? Dems have been saying how we need to get along with the rest of the world....how we need to work together with the nations of the world.....

So...Israel is our ally, and we take care of our allies. What else do you need to know?

Perhaps the Palestinians need some allies. Oh wait a minute, I forgot...most if not all of the Arab nations in the area want little or nothing to do with the Palestinians and their plight.

It's tough when you don't have allies.

03-17-2004, 11:49 PM
Let's take a closer look at the Jewish influence in the U.S.

The bottom line is U.S. foreign policy is not based on right or wrong. It is based on self interests. Strong condemnation among congressional members often follows the homicide bombings rocking Israeli towns. Not much said when Israel kills Palestinian kids and civilians.Widespread congressional support for Israel is rooted in a long term relationship of the collective Jewish/ pro-Israeli lobby, a well-organized, well-funded, extremely active, and extraordinarily connected group, according to political analysts.Among these groups are American Jewish Committee, the American Defense League, the United Jewish Communities, the National Jewish Democratic Council, and the Republican Jewish Coalition.The number of Jews in the United States Congress well surpasses the population as a whole. Seven percent of members are Jewish, while the Jewish-American population totals 2.2.Not to mention an array of other Jewish leaders like Micheal Bloomberg,Mayor of NYC, a Jew worth 4.8 billion dollars.Or how about the entertainment industry.The list is staggering.How many Muslims do you know in the political or entertainment industry.Financial contributions by pro Israeli donors to Republicans and democrats have been at a 100-1 ratio compared to Arab/Muslim American donors.

Now lets look at the press. How many Jews write articles and how many of arabic descent. No contest. So the next time you tell me that Israel is great and Palestinians are animals,just
consider for a moment that American opinion/foreign policy in the middle east is formed from Jewish power in the political arena,entertainment industry,financial world,mass media,etc. Yet they continue to portray themselves in this country as victims,when they are a superpower,here and abroad.

03-18-2004, 12:34 AM
amazin, you accused everyone on this board that made jokes about the french as being racist and now you write the most anti-semitic drivel i've ever read.

03-18-2004, 02:11 AM
You reveal yourself more everyday.

I don't disagree with you on some of your points. But to tie it all together into some kind of Jew Lobby that controls our country.........is a little off the deep end. You may have some selective points........but it doesn't control our government to the extent you imagine.

03-18-2004, 02:34 AM
Welcome to pre-wwll Germany Amazin! The reason Jews had stars put on their businesses in Germany is because they HAD businesses! The difference between the Jews and Arabs you are talking about is that the Jews learned how to blend in, compete, and go into areas that are open-ended in wealth building like jewelry, banking, and entertainment!! They work hard and work smart to get ahead, and then people like you, the Nazis, and the Arabs want to take it away out of jealosy or whatever! When Arabs decide to work hard and work smart they get ahead! Or have you not heard of Princess Di's boyfriend, or the richest horserace in the world, in Saudi Arabia? Seems to me some Arabs own pretty good racing stables! / Nader the Arab has outlasted many presidential candidates including some Jews! As far as muslim converts go, what about Ali? He never blew anything up! Or Jim Brown? When I was in Israel in the 1980's everything I saw that was less that 200 years old was built either by the Catholics (churches) or Jews. Where is all the development in Israel that the Palestinians did when they had control? The Arabs get rich off oil and then want to kick us out! Bin Laden's family got rich off of Western construction conntracts and we helped supply arms for the Afgahns to keep Russia out and we did not take over that country. Instead of them getting rich off our putting an oil pipeline in, the Taliban just wanted to sell us Heroin then bitch about how immoral the West is!! They martyre themselves in order to screw 17 virgins after they die! How many virgins do the 11 year old martyrs get? What do the women and girls who martyr themselves get? One Western guy with Viagra!LOL!! What did Indonesia do to the Arabs?

03-18-2004, 02:43 AM
Why 17? anybody have an idea?

I think after about 3-4 any self respecting guy would want a change of pace...... maybe an older women with a hint of what goes on in the world .........you know what I mean?

03-18-2004, 10:04 AM
My point about the Jews is not meant to be racist or jealous. These are facts and if you want to argue the facts like # of jews in Congress,entertainment etc. go ahead Howard Sterns of the PA board. I did not say anything slanderous,if I did,show me where.

My point is simply that Jews do have a major influence on our middle eastern foreign policy. The terrorism of 9/11 was an extension of the fighting in the middle east between Jews and Muslims that spilt over here. This is the missing link you don't understand about terrorism. All people like Tom and JR see is the violence on this side.They don't acknowledge Palestinian deaths because like Rabbi Kahani(assasinated) of the JDL once said:"Arabs are dogs,they don't deserve to live". This is the attitude of many hard liner Jews. Mix that in with American foreign policy which has adapted that Jewish idea and you have a recipe for a never ending conflict.

Yes the Jews seem to be pretty smart for a people as a whole. I don't hold that against them. But I also see a deep racism and selfishness in their political views. Not all of them,but certainly the status quo type. There are many Jews who are pro Palestinian BTW.

While the Arabs may not have been as smart,they learn quickly. When I grew up in Brooklyn,I was surprised how no one heard of the word Palestinian. In the 1967 war,few knew the word. Today,they are repeating the persecution of the Jews. And they are rising up to be a power reckoned with.Now you know who they are.And they are determined to let you know the truth about their persecution at the hands of Israel and the West.That also was not an awareness in 1967 to westerners.The plight of the Palestinians is gaining recognition. You can't treat people like dogs forever.Eventually they will bite back. And eventually this country is going to have to recognize the way they treat the Muslims of this world,or they will go down like the towers.

03-18-2004, 06:29 PM
After his death, Osama bin Laden went to heaven. There he was greeted by George Washington, who proceeded to slap him across the face and yell at him, "How dare you try to destroy the nation I helped conceive!" Patrick Henry approached and punched Osama in the nose and shouted,"You wanted to end our liberties but you failed." James Madison entered, kicked Osama in the balls and said,"This is why I allowed our government to provide for the common defense!" Thomas Jefferson came in and proceeded to beat Osama many times with long cane and said, "It was evil men like you that provided me the inspiration to pen the Declaration of Independence!".
These beatings and thrashings continued as John Rudolph, James Monroe and 66 other early Americans came in and unleashed their anger on the Muslim terrorist leader.
As Osama lay bleeding and writhing in unbearable pain an Angel appeared. Bin Laden wept in pain and said to the Angel, "This is not what you promised me." The Angel replied, "I told you there would be 72 Virginians waiting for you in heaven.

What did you think I said?"

03-18-2004, 07:33 PM

03-18-2004, 08:00 PM
Amazin- American opinion and widespead Congress support is formed by the Jewish superpower lobby, Entertainment, and Mass media. BS! They have power over the Demos!!

03-18-2004, 09:09 PM
You're either pretty stupid or completely disingenuous in your
previous comments as to the Jewish influence in America. Your
comments echo the modern version of the Protocols of the
Elders of Zion. This is the stuff that both Aryan Nation and the
hypocrite Pat Buchanan utter. You make these allegations without any corroborative evidence, as though merely stating
them makes them facts.
You have consistently distorted historical facts with respect
to the middle east to support some dangerous ideas such as
suicide bombings. Yesterday you made passing comments as
to Jewish terrorism in the 1920's and today you alluded to
Meir Kahane without context. The Mufti of Jerusalem ordered more killings of Jewish settlers in the 1890's than the Irgun ever
committed in the 20's. Kahane, who represented only a small
segment of Israel's population is hardly representative of the
whole. Yet it is tellilng that you ignore Arafat and the PLO who
consistenly called for the destruction of Israel on their own web
site years after the Oslo accord. Arafat, the PLO Hamas and
Hezbollah only seek the destruction of Israel.
The Palestinians have been poorly treated. Mainly by their own brothers. After the war in '48, instead of trying to reach a peace agreement with Israel, the 5 Arab nations acting as proxy for the Palestinians, refused any dealings and left their Palestinian brothers to suffer in U.N. camps. The declarations of war stood until the 1980's when Eygpt became the sole signatory to a peace agreement. Who was Israel to negotiate with? What country would unilaterally try to resolve issues when its neighbors call for its destruction. In 1979 Levi Eshkol, the PM at the time offered to give back all lands won in 1967 (prior to the existence of most west bank settlements) no one would sit and talk. The only resolultion wanted was the destruction of Israel.
The Palestinians were left to rot in the camps. They were given nothing by their fellow Arab nations. They were denied entry to most surrounding countries. In fact King Hussein ran Arafat out of Jordan when he tried to overthrow the govenment. The people have suffered, yet their current leadership has mismanaged their monies, and Arafat has filled his Swiss bank account.
The canard that 911 flows through the Israeli-Palestinian morass is ridiculous. Bin Ladin in all his statements pre 911 spoke of many ills and the I-P was just one of many. He had a laundry list of complaints against various individuals, countries and value systems. This is the dangerous sophistry that Chomsky and the left are propagating, to make Israel the source of world instability. If you say it enough times people will believe that if Israel would just disappear the world will be a safe place again. This simplistic reasoning appeals to both the bigots and the left who both want to justify their desire to disenfranchise the state of Israel.
Despite your denials, you are clearly a bigot. I have no
intention of getting into a pissing match with some one of your ilk.
Please crawl back under the rock from whence you came and let
others who argue rationally without hidden agendas use this board appropriately.


03-18-2004, 09:37 PM
well said....

why do the anti-semites and jew-haters ALWAYS deny that they are? it's laughable...

03-18-2004, 09:48 PM
What makes it even more laughable or pathetic, take your choice, is that amazin called everyone on this board that made jokes about the French, racists. Then he comes with all this venom. Clearly the man hasn't the foggiest.

03-18-2004, 09:53 PM
Originally posted by Lefty
Clearly the man hasn't the foggiest.

Watch it Lefty.........you starting to sound like a Danged old Brit!

And we Don't need any Limey's on this here Board!

This an Amerikan Board Dag Nabbit!

03-18-2004, 10:02 PM
Well, I have read all of Dick Francis' marvelous mystery novels.

03-19-2004, 10:03 AM

Your point of the Arab nations deserting their Palestinian brothers is not relevant to the attrocities Israel commits everyday on them.Also you need a clarification.Israeli terrorism in the region did not only happen only in the 1920's. It started then and continues today more than ever on Palestinians.

You and others here want to play the pathetic Jewish race card. Give me a break. Anytime anyone,says anything remotely negative about Jewish politics its racist.Go sell that that to an idiot like those who agree with you. It's like saying I'm racist regarding a butcher of a people.If you put it that way I would agree with you. What I am racist against is their actions. You are the racist cause you turn a blind eye to their actions simply cause they are Jews.Can you say Aryan race?.You are the ultimate racist.I see the actions of a superpowered Jews killing and persecuting Palestinians.That's O.K. to you cause they are Jews.They are apparently immune from criticism regarding any aggressive and deadly actions they take.But when Palestinians fight back and kill Jews,Oh My! what animals. This is common sense and it's quite clear you are so wrapped up in your Jewish superiority,you resemble Hitler.

03-19-2004, 11:47 AM
amazin says; "can you say Aryan race?" and "you resemble Hitler."
I say, "What?"
Defending Jews shows Aryan supremecy? Defending Jews resembles Hitler?
telling French jokes=racist.
putting dn jews=not racist.
amazin, the master of nonsense and somehow manages to be on the wrong side of everything. What a guy.

03-19-2004, 12:01 PM
amazin has also said that Bush should be hanged.
9-11 is our own fault.
American soldiers guilty of murder.
and somehow in his contorted view of things, the suicide bombing Palestinans are the "good guys"

03-19-2004, 12:12 PM
Jew-hatin' anti-semite Amazin will only attack the Jews in his response to Cryptic (notice it's not 'The Israeli's', it's the 'superpowered Jews' (?) he attacks), but as usual refuses to address any other aspect of Cryptic's comments.

Oh well...

03-19-2004, 12:20 PM
I gotta tell you all - even with all of the people I am meeting half a world away - I can't seem to find anyone who speaks more idiotically than Amazin.

On a thread some months back, Amazin said that killing was wrong unless it was the killing of Jews (I am paraphrasing, but that was when I figured him out). He argued against all killings, yet he defended and justified, and cheered the murder of Jews in Israel. Then we got into word games over what does anti semetic mean. As I said then, and I will say now, Amazin is a pitiful example of a human being. He keeps harping on growing up in Brooklyn - maybe his hatred of Jews stems from his getting his butt whooped by the Jewish kids in the neighborhood? That would explain a lot.

Larry Hamilton
03-19-2004, 02:02 PM
I tell you what would explain even more. He STILL is a kid. He STILL is getting his butt kicked by the neighberhood. He is almost never here during school hours. His logic invariable resembles a teenager missing the "be home by" again.

We are here for his entertainment. He is most entertained by pulling our chain no matter the words coming out of his mouth are usually weird.

To label him a sociopath is doing him a favor. The alternatives are even less pretty.

03-19-2004, 06:30 PM
Racist because I think Israel is a victim?
I don't think so.
I felt the same way when it was muslims in Yugoslavia.
The same way during the genocides in Africa during Clinton's
The same way when it was Iraqi's getting murdered by that dictotaor that we were wrong to remove from power.
The same way when JFK deserted the Cuban's.
I still think the Cuban boycott is outrageous, illegal, immoral, and just plain wrong.
I think Ireland and England are both wrong and let them kill each other-I don't care, and I'm half Irish.
The only thing Amazin is really arguing is that he picked a differnent side than most people. He cites evididence from years ago while I am looking at today.
He is entitled to his opinion. This is Amercia. Dispite what he thinks about it.

03-19-2004, 08:37 PM
Tom, amazin is certainly entitled to his opinion and so am I. And when he cites this outrageous unthinking nonsense I plan to "jump" him.

03-19-2004, 10:35 PM
What is Amazin is that Amazin still hangs around to message! I think that is admirable, at least he does not slash and run! / I have 2 questions for Amazin or anyone: Why ddid not the Jews kill Arafat when they were tering apart his hqtrs recently, even thoughb Arafat has said (in English) he did not want to share Jerusulem with the Jews? / What kinds of jobs do the Pales do when they go into Jewish territory to work?

03-21-2004, 01:18 AM
You guys can twist my words all you want and interpret them whatever way you want,but the facts don't change. Israel is murdering Palestinians,and this country defends them for that .A major justification for the creation of terrorism in the eyes of terrorists..Just do me a favor.The next time we get a major terrorist attack,don't act so naive about it.Remember what I told you fools.I was only trying to give you some insight as to its roots. Terrorism can be stopped tomorrow,if the Jews and Americans wanted to.It's not rocket science.What has brought down great empires of the past?.:Greed and arrogance.

Hey,it aint me saying this,it's called History.You can't go against the grain of the natural order of life without paying a price. Ignorance is not an excepted excuse either. You want to stay ignorant,that's up to you. One catch to that. You'll pay another price.

03-21-2004, 11:30 AM
amazin, yes, look at history. It's the Palestinians who have broken their word time after time while Arafat makes a show and pretense at peace. How many Israeli suicide bombers have there been? Now how many Palestinians have strapped a bomb on and killed innocent people. If you could negotiate with terrorists Jimmy Carter would have brght us peace, but they don't respond to talk. Naivete' is your middle name, my boy.

03-21-2004, 11:32 AM
Why do you alway use the third part? You will, You did.....
Like you aren't a citizen here? If you pay taxes, you are financing the war. Chew on that a while.
Berkley, isn't it?
You must have several degrees"

BS (Bull Shot)
MS ( More of the same)
Phd (Piled higher and deeper)

Have a nice day and contemplate your tax dollars buying bullets.
Boggles the mind.:D

03-21-2004, 03:44 PM
Originally posted by Amazin
You guys can twist my words all you want and interpret them whatever way you want,but the facts don't change. Israel is murdering Palestinians,and this country defends them for that .A major justification for the creation of terrorism in the eyes of terrorists..Just do me a favor.The next time we get a major terrorist attack,don't act so naive about it.Remember what I told you fools.I was only trying to give you some insight as to its roots. Terrorism can be stopped tomorrow,if the Jews and Americans wanted to.It's not rocket science.What has brought down great empires of the past?.:Greed and arrogance.

Hey,it aint me saying this,it's called History.You can't go against the grain of the natural order of life without paying a price. Ignorance is not an excepted excuse either. You want to stay ignorant,that's up to you. One catch to that. You'll pay another price.

If only it were that easy. Stopped tomorrow? Talk about naive!