View Full Version : Learn PYTHON

06-21-2013, 05:33 AM

In the authors own words:

"Python is what you’ve been looking for. It is an easy-to-use tool that can do any kind of processing on any kind of data. Seriously: any processing, any data." Steven F. Lott

He has written a book for absolute non-programers to get started

with Python. It is a free PDF file, 491 pages. This book is a good

place to start learning the programing language.

Programing For Non Programers (http://www.itmaybeahack.com/book/programming-2.6/latex/ProgrammingforNon-Programmers.pdf)


Capper Al
06-21-2013, 05:41 AM
Thanks. Hopefully, I'll be able to find the time sdomeday.

06-23-2013, 03:35 PM
I got as far as the author's explanation of binary code. That did it for me, if that's the way he's going to explain "actual" much more complex stuff then it will be a waste of the "non-programmer's" time and effort. Binary code is about the simplest thing that exists regarding computers. Reading what he wrote about it is like burning down the barn to kill the rats. No thanks! I won't be wasting anymore of my time reading his drivel. He might know Python inside and out, but he can't teach worth a crap.

Have fun!!