View Full Version : Anonymous

03-01-2013, 02:40 AM
Was reading about the group Anonymous tonight. I don't really know much about the history of the movement. This "Wired" article is a good place to start.


This paragraph on trolling reminds me of trolls that post here :D :

To troll is to post deliberately incendiary content to a discussion forum or other online community—say, kitten-torture fantasies on a message board for cat lovers—for no other reason than to stir up chaos and outrage. Trolling is (for the troll, at least) a source of amusement. But for Anonymous it has long been more like a way of life. Study the pages of the Encyclopedia Dramatica wiki, where the vast parallel universe of Anonymous in-jokes, catchphrases, and obsessions is lovingly annotated, and you will discover an elaborate trolling culture: Flamingly racist and misogynist content lurks throughout, all of it calculated to offend, along with links to eye-gougingly horrific images of mutilation, sexual perversity, and, yes, kittens in blenders. Here, too, are chronicled the many troll invasions, or "raids," that Anonymous has inflicted on unsuspecting Web communities—like the Epilepsy Foundation's online forums, which were attacked with flashing, seizure-inducing animations.

This also reminds me of the way members of the band "The Sex Pistols" gained notoriety and a lot of publicity back in the 70s with stories of vomiting on old ladies at an airport.

Same things. Different people.