View Full Version : George Brett Story

Jay Trotter
02-22-2013, 08:39 AM
My son sent me this -- couldn't stop laughing:


Jay Trotter
02-23-2013, 05:24 PM
So, either I have a demented sense of humor or some of you guys have "shit your pants" and don't think it's very funny.........:lol:

02-23-2013, 07:04 PM
So, either I have a demented sense of humor or some of you guys have "shit your pants" and don't think it's very funny.........:lol:
I would be in the latter rather than the former. Had a nasty set of broken ribs one time and was taking codeine for pain. Got very constipated and made the mistake of drinking a whole bottle of prune juice and then was on my way to work. Half way there, I felt the dreaded sneeze coming on. Sneezing with broken is very painful. I held it as long as I could and finally "achoo" and while grimacing in pain, the prune juice kicked in. Felt a big gurgle and upon sneezing again, well I was a bit late for work that morning and had to clean a pretty nasty front seat of my car.
I laughed pretty damn hard watching this and could not help but think of that second sneeze. Good video.